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Interactive Voice Response System

There are several specific situations in which fishermen fishing in federal waters in the Greater Atlantic Region must report their landings via our Interactive Voice Response System (IVR). If you 1) are not required to report via a Vessel Monitoring System, 2) fish for quota-monitored species, 3) land fish caught under an Exempted Fishing Permit, or 4) fish in a Research Set-Aside Program, you must submit your landings data by using our IVR system.

These fishermen include:

All vessels reporting via IVR must report their trip start times 24 hours prior to leaving the dock, and report trip end times within 24 hours of returning to the dock. There are two ways to report via IVR:

Option 1:  Report online - to access this simple system, log in to Fish OnLine and click the ‘IVR Reporting’ link in the left side menu. Fish OnLine can be found at:

You will need a PIN number to log in to Fish OnLine. If you do not have one or have technical issues with the IVR system, contact the GARFO IT Service Desk (978) 281-9188.

Option 2: Report via telephone - call 888-284-4904to report your landings. If you have questions or issues, call:

IVR and VMS reporting requirements and questions – (978) 281-9315

IVR system technical difficulties – (978) 281-9227

For more detailed information on how to report via IVR, go to: and click on “IVR Reporting Instructions and 2015 Reporting Weeks” on the left side.