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Social Security’s Office of Open Government (OOG) fosters transparency, participation, and collaboration in our programs and operations. OOG leads agency activities to develop, implement, and track progress on plans to make SSA more open and accountable to the public. As the agency lead for Open Data activities, OOG identifies information of great use to the public and works across organizational boundaries to make the information available in readily accessible formats. We also facilitate and encourage the use of emerging collaborative technologies to foster broader citizen participation in government business.

We develop and publish SSA’s Open Government Plan every two years – the first in June 2010 and the latest in September 2016 Open Government Plan 4.0. We developed our Open Government Plan based on input from the public, Social Security advocates, and our employees. Our new plan includes several high-profile agency projects and initiatives that utilize Open Government principles and techniques to further the agency’s mission. They include our flagship initiative, the National Disability Forum, as well as Customer Engagement Tools, Data Exchanges, Analytics Center of Excellence, Work Incentives Planning and Assistance Programs, and Health Information Technology.

We encourage you to visit our Open Government website often to learn about our efforts and to follow our progress in implementing our plan. You may also share your thoughts or suggestions through email at We look forward to hearing your ideas!

If you are visually impaired or having other troubles using our engagements, please email us at

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The Administration is committed to creating an open and transparent government through the following initiatives:

Alan Lane
Executive Director for Open Government

6401 Security Blvd
West High Rise Rm. 1126
Baltimore, MD 21235


This contact information is provided to help you reach the Open Government team. To contact SSA for any other reason, please use one of our main service channels. Thank you.