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Social Security established the Office of Open Government to develop and implement a plan outlining the agency’s open government goals, objectives, and supporting activities. We developed and published two plans – the first in June 2010 and a refreshed one in September 2012 – based on input from the public, our employees, open government advocates and other stakeholders.  Our Open Government plan lays out steps and commitments to increase transparency, participation and collaboration at Social Security, and to internalize the principles of open government throughout the agency. 

We have made good progress towards greater openness at Social Security: we published a data inventory and release plan; released dozens of high value datasets; broadcast several webinars, including one for college students and young workers regarding Social Security programs and another for Spanish-speakers regarding the agency’s new Spanish online services; expanded our social media presence (YouTube, Facebook and Twitter); completed three flagship initiatives; and hosted several engagements with the public and our employees through both conventional forums and new media technologies.

We will continue to refine our use of innovative data sharing, collaboration, and participation tools to support our mission, and to engage the public as we pursue the initiatives outlined in our refreshed plan.

We encourage you to visit this web page often to learn about our efforts and to follow our progress in implementing our plan.  You also may share your thoughts or suggestions through email at

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The Administration is committed to creating an open and transparent government through the following initiatives:

Alan Lane
Associate Commissioner for Open Government

6401 Security Blvd
West High Rise Rm. 1126
Baltimore, MD 21235


This contact information is provided to help you reach the Open Government team. To contact SSA for any other reason, please use one of our main service channels. Thank you.