User Facility News

09.23.16User Facility

SLAC’s X-ray Laser Glimpses How Electrons Dance with Atomic Nuclei in MaterialsExternal link

Studies at the Department of Energy's SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory could help design and control materials with intriguing properties, including novel electronics, solar cells and superconductors. Read More »

09.22.16User Facility

Argonne Ahead of the "Curve" in Magnetic StudyExternal link

A new study by Argonne researchers determined that magnetic skyrmions – small electrically uncharged circular structures with a spiraling magnetic pattern – do get deflected by an applied current, much like a curveball getting deflected by air. Read More »

09.21.16User Facility

'Schroedinger's Cat' Molecules Give Rise to Exquisitely Detailed MoviesExternal link

Researchers at the Stanford PULSE Institute and SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory have exploited the Schroedinger’s Cat paradox - that an atom or molecule can also be in two different states at once - to create X-ray movies of atomic motion with much more detail than ever before. Read More »

09.20.16User Facility

Nanoscale Tetrapods Could Provide Early Warning of a Material’s FailureExternal link

Berkeley Lab scientists are developing a new way to detect microscopic fractures in materials in the field. Read More »

09.19.16User Facility

Supercomputers Receive Funding to Help Predict and Modify New MaterialsExternal link

The Department of Energy (DOE) will invest $16 million over the next four years in supercomputer technology that will accelerate the design of new materials by combining theoretical and experimental efforts to create new validated codes. Read More »

09.19.16User Facility

Study Yields New Knowledge About Materials for Ultrasound and Other ApplicationsExternal link

Scientists at the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory and their research partners have used neutron scattering to discover the key to piezoelectric excellence in the newer materials, which are called relaxor-based ferroelectrics. Read More »

09.19.16User Facility

Diamond Proves Useful Material for Growing GrapheneExternal link

Former Argonne postdoctoral researcher Diana Berman and Argonne nanoscientist Anirudha Sumant, along with several collaborators, developed a new and inexpensive way to grow pure graphene using a diamond substrate. Read More »

09.16.16User Facility

ORNL Neutron Science Facilities Welcome 20,000th UserExternal link

In August, the High Flux Isotope Reactor and the Spallation Neutron Source—both U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science User Facilities at DOE’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory—reached a milestone with the arrival of Irina Nesmelova, the facilities’ 20,000th user. Read More »

09.16.16User Facility

Unlocking Potential of 3D Printed Rocket Parts with NeutronsExternal link

NASA engineers used the Neutron Residual Stress Mapping Facility at Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s High Flux Isotope Reactor to study residual stress in additive manufactured materials which could significantly reduce cost and schedule of flight hardware component manufacture and qualify the materials for flight. Read More »

09.14.16User Facility

Water Helps Assembly of Biofibers that Could Capture SunlightExternal link

In a study led by researchers at Argonne’s Center for Nanoscale Materials, supercomputer simulations and lab-based experiments showed that water serves as an invisible cage for the growth of long fibers from micelles made of chains of amino acids. Read More »

Last modified: 2/26/2016 1:21:30 PM