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            Enterprise Business Solutions

The HR Connect Program Office (HRCPO) is an organization within the Department of the Treasury’s Office of the Chief Information Officer that creates, implements and maintains innovative information technology solutions related to human resources. 


Enable Agency / Bureau missions by partnering with customers to achieve human capital strategic goals.


HRCPO provides tools and automated processes that enable the end-to-end human capital lifecycle of customers’ organizations.
The HRCPO vision is to provide services and products in support of customers’ human capital strategic goals. This vision will be achieved by partnering with customers to:
  • Build new capabilities
  • Innovate new ways to deliver human capital services
  • Do more with less
  • Achieve program operational excellence
  • Add value at the enterprise level 

​The HR Connect Program Office (HRCPO) is an organization within the Department of the Treasury’s Office of the Chief Information Officer that creates, implements and maintains innovative information technology solutions.  HRCPO’s systems increase the efficiency of human resources activities and enable managers to achieve human capital goals throughout the federal government.  

In 2005, the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) awarded HRCPO the Human Resources Line of Business (HRLOB) status, a coveted certification which identifies its software products and services as a “best practice” within the federal sector.  As an HRLOB Shared Services Provider, the HR Connect staff provides its solutions both within Treasury and to other agencies within government.

HRCPO continues to seek new business to add to its current customer list of 17 organizations in five federal agencies (more than 150,000 employees). This rapidly-increasing client base has enabled HRCPO spread its investment across a growing number of users, resulting in a lower per-person cost to each organization. 

HRCPO Advantages

HRCPO is rapidly becoming the gold standard among federal HRLOB providers, and offers numerous  significant advantages:
  • First, the HRCPO team offers a demonstrated track record of providing dynamic, engaging and flexible HR management solutions, customized to the specific needs of both small- and large-scale federal government organizations.
  • The HRCPO approach to software implementation includes disciplined, long-term strategic and financial planning for future technological advances and improvements. The result is that HRPCO customers keep their software “current,” but eliminate unplanned financial “surprises.”
  • HRPCO products and resources are scalable, making it easy to add new subscribers and offer new services, without affecting the system’s performance for established customers.  And, as new customers are added, the per-employee cost to the government is reduced.
  • The HRCPO team communicates regularly and frequently with all of its customers and stake holders, giving each a strong voice in the design, continuing refinement and prioritization of all products and services.  Heavy stake holder involvement – and listening to its customers – are key elements in HRCPO’s success.
  • HRCPO systems’ robust security ensures the confidentiality, integrity and availability of customer data, and enables the careful and accurate stewardship of all customer information.
  • Established partnerships with best-in-class providers enable HRCPO to guarantee continuity and dependability in all product and service offerings, while reducing customer risk.
  • The HRPCO suite of software solutions supports HR management requirements throughout the entire employee life cycle, enabling customers to precisely align their human capital strategies with the core mission of their agency. 

For more information on HRCPO services, go to:

The HR Connect Program Office (HRCPO)




​For more information, call (202) 622-1520 or send an email to
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Last Updated :12/1/2010 12:27 AM

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