Regional Economic Development

Supporting companies in every stage of development through access to technology, technical assistance or investment  


  • Richard P. Feynman Center for Innovation
  • Regional Programs
  • (505) 665-9090
  • New Mexico Small Business Assistance
  • Email

FCI facilitates commercialization in New Mexico to accelerate and enhance our efforts to convert federal and state research investments into economic opportunity for New Mexicans. Technical assistance, small gap financing and support of the regional ecosystem continue to be key programs to achieve regional technology commercialization from Los Alamos.

The programs below help small businesses and entrepreneurs successfully deploy LANL technology and expertise to improve their product or business. They support companies in every stage of development through access to technology, technical assistance or investment and help strengthen the high tech ecosystem in New Mexico.

New Mexico Small Business Assistance (NMSBA) Program

New Mexico Small Business Assistance Program

The New Mexico Small Business Assistance (NMSBA) Program allows New Mexico small businesses facing a technical challenge to access the unique expertise and capabilities of Los Alamos and Sandia national laboratories. At no cost to the business, small businesses with a technical challenge can seek assistance from lab scientists or engineers for projects that require testing, design consultation and access to special equipment or facilities.

Partner Feature: Pharma Connect Xpress

Venture Acceleration Fund

The Venture Acceleration Fund (VAF) is a collaborative investment established in 2006 by Los Alamos National Security, LLC (LANS) that now includes Los Alamos County, New Mexico Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP), City of Santa Fe, and Santa Fe County investments to stimulate the economy by supporting growth oriented companies.

The VAF award, administered by the Regional Development Corporation (RDC), is structured as a zero-interest loan – with repayment required when a company is acquired, achieves certain revenue goals, or leaves New Mexico within a certain timeframe – and is Originally created to commercialize technologies developed at Los Alamos National Laboratory, the VAF now focuses on high tech and manufacturing companies in every stage of development.

Partner Feature: VAF recipient UbiQD Named Top High-Growth Company and Job Creator in Northern New Mexico, Closes Round of Financing



DisrupTECH is a celebration of disruptive technology created by the minds at Los Alamos National Laboratory. Co-hosted by FCI and the New Mexico Angels, the goal of DisrupTech is to introduce the latest groundbreaking technology from Los Alamos and their inventors to entrepreneurs, investors, regional leaders, policy makers, and industrial partners. In effect, participants will be the first to see and experience the work of these featured scientists, and have the first shot at engaging in tech transfer opportunities.

This is a unique networking event; one that we hope will spark transformative relationships between Los Alamos and our many stakeholders!

Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR)

SBIR Process

SBIR and STTR are highly competitive programs that encourage small businesses to explore their technological potential and travel a pathway to potentially profitable technology commercialization. The small business submits competitive proposal to the agency that identifies a way to solve the outlined problem for SBIR/STTR award. The difference between SBIR the small business can partner with a research institution for up to 30% of the award and STTR mandates that at least 30% and up to 60% of the work must be performed at a research institution. The DOE's current policy permits national laboratories such as Los Alamos to perform work for small business under and SBIR or STTR when the unique capabilities of the Laboratory are requested by the small business, and under the condition that these capabilities are made available to all small businesses requesting them.

SBIR and STTR program are three-phases:

  • Phase I is for an approximately six-month feasibility study. Awards are up to $150,000.
  • Phase II covers the principal R&D effort. Awards are up to $1,000,000 and cannot exceed two years in duration.

Phase III is conducted by the small business to pursue commercial applications of the R&D conducted in Phases I and II. Non-SBIR/STTR funds support Phase III.

View the SBIR Process, download the Company Questionnaire, and view a sample Statement of Capability Letter.

An Evolving Regional Network

FCI supports many organizations in the community that have developed innovative programs or events for entrepreneurs. By supporting organizations in the region, we are helping to build the ecosystem for entrepreneurs and small businesses in New Mexico.

Regional Network Map


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