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NSF & Congress


These tools and resources--providing information about the impact of NSF's investments in science and engineering research and education--are available for viewing online and downloading.


NSF, Science Communication and YouScience Communication Toolkit for Principal Investigators

Text version (PDF, 172 KB)

National Science Foundation Where Discoveries BeginNSF: Where Discoveries Begin reports/where_discoveries.pdf
Download (PDF, 4MB)

Data by DesignData by Design: Snapshot of NSF's Programs, Processes, Funding & Impact
Download (PPTX, 18MB)

Same as above, but with interactive elements designed for live presentations (PPTX, 28MB)

10 Big Ideas10 Big Ideas for Future NSF Investments
As we look ahead to the coming decades, we must envision bold questions that will drive NSF's long-term research agenda -- questions that will ensure future generations continue to reap the benefits of fundamental S&E research. This is the reason behind these 10 "big ideas." View online or download.

Fact Sheet: National Science Foundation news_summ.jsp?cntn_id=100595
View online or Download (PDF, 192KB)

NSF Organizational Chart organizational_chart.pdf
Download (PDF, 167KB)



Videos about NSF for your use
To download, click the play button on your selected video. When controls appear at the bottom of the video window, click on the downward arrow.

still of Carol Espy-WilsonThe Importance of NSF Funding
Past and present NSF grantees attest to the importance of NSF support to their research and to innovation.
Runtime: 1:18
View online or download video

four still images from videoCreating Knowledge to Transform Our Future
A brief look at how NSF-supported fundamental research helps drive our nation's economy, enhance our security, advance our knowledge to sustain global leadership, and transform our future.
Runtime: 1:27
View online or download video

three still images from videoFoundation for Innovation
How NSF support for fundamental research is critical to discovery, innovation and economic growth.
Runtime: 4:17
View online or download video

still of transform over nsf logoOpener, closer or bookend videos
For use in presentations or speeches, bringing emphasis to key NSF messages
Knowledge, Security, the Economy — full length
   Runtime: 20 seconds View online or download video
Knowledge, Security, the Economy — abbreviated
   Runtime: 11 seconds View online or download video
Transform (with voice)
   Runtime: 11 seconds View online or download video
Transform (music only)
   Runtime: 8 seconds View online or download video

still image from videoTen Big Ideas for Future NSF Investment
Ten research and process "big ideas" that will drive important aspects of NSF's long-term research agenda, push forward the frontiers of U.S. science and engineering research, and lead to new discoveries and innovations.
Runtime: 11:20
View online or download video

still image from videoSix Research Big Ideas for Future NSF Investment
Six research "big ideas" that will drive important aspects of NSF's long-term research agenda, push forward the frontiers of U.S. science and engineering research, and lead to new discoveries and innovations. (This is the same video as above, without the four process big ideas.)
Runtime: 7:19
View online or download video

still of scale weighing carsMore Distance, Less Fuel
One example of how NSF funding holds the promise of significant economic impact and knowledge to sustain global leadership.
Runtime: 1:22
View online or download video

NSF's Merit Reivew ProcessNSF's Merit Review Process
How NSF determines which research has the greatest potential and would be the most impactful investment of taxpayer dollars.
Runtime: 6:16
View online or download video

still of people around a conference tableNSF Proposal Review Panels
What really happens in a proposal review panel? Audiences will get a good sense from this mock review session as panelists discuss the strengths and weaknesses of a CAREER Award proposal.
Runtime: 6:16
View online or download video



Unlocking the Secrets of Science cover
Unlocking the Secrets of Science unlocking_the_secrets.pdf
Download (PDF, 11.8MB)

Perspectives on Broader Impacts cover
Perspectives on Broader Impacts
Download (PDF, 9.0MB)

Unlocking the Secrets of Science cover Unlocking the Secrets of Science
Download (PDF, 11.8MB)

Understanding Life cover Understanding Life: Biological Sciences
Download (PDF, 1.1MB)

Enhancing Our Lives Through Computing cover Enhancing Our Lives Through Computing: Computer & Information
Science & Engineering
Download (PDF, 5.2MB)

Inspiring STEM Learning: Education and Human Resources report coverInspiring STEM Learning: Education and Human Resources
Download (PDF, 1.0MB)

Making Future Technologies Possible: Engineering report coverMaking Future Technologies Possible: Engineering
Download (PDF, 1.0MB)

Unraveling Earth's Complexity report coverUnraveling Earth's Complexity: Geosciences
Download (PDF, 1.2MB)

Enriching the Language of Discovery coverEnriching the Language of Discovery: Mathematical & Physical Sciences
Download (PDF, 6.5MB)

Innovating for the Nation's Future coverInnovating for the Nation's Future: Office of International and Integrative Activities
Download (PDF, 5.3MB)

Exploring What Makes Us Human coverExploring What Makes Us Human: Social, Behavioral & Economic Sciences
Download (PDF, 5.1MB)

Bringing People Into Focus report coverBringing People Into Focus: How Social, Behavioral and Economic Research
Addresses National Challenges
Download (PDF, 3.1MB)

NSF Engineering Research Centers report coverNSF Engineering Research Centers: Creating New Knowledge, Innovators and
Technologies for Over 30 Years Anniversary.pdf
Download (PDF, 5.7MB)

 coverExperimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR)
Download (PDF, 3.9MB)



NSF's Budget Internet Information System allows you to view the number of NSF awards made to your state and you can drill down to see the number of awards made to specific institutions in your state.



Requests and Annual Appropriations, FY 1998 - Present

ROI Budget Overview Fact Sheet (PDF)

Fact Sheet: NSF's Connection to Nobel Prize Recipients (PDF)

Open Government



Response to Senator Flake's "Wastebook: The Farce Awakens"

Response to Senator Lankford's "Federal Fumbles"

Response to Senator McCain's "America's Most Wasted -- Runaway Spending"

Response to Media Reports on NSF-supported Glaciers and Glaciology Award

Response to Senator Flake's "Twenty Questions: Government Studies That Will Leave You Scratching Your Head"

Response to Senator Lankford's "Federal Fumbles, Vol. 2"