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Sea Surface Temperature: APL receives AVHRR satellite data from the NOAA polar orbiting satellites. These data are processed into images of SST in near real-tme. Here is the latest 7-day composite of the Gulf Stream.
SAR Winds: APL processes SAR imagery from the Radarsat-1 satellite into wind speed in near real time. Here is the latest processed SAR wind speed image and a map of the latest coverage.
DC Lightning Mapping Array APL is a participating ground station in the DC Area Lightning Mapping Array. The LMA is not yet operational. The image below is Nexrad radar reflectivity.
Johns Hopkins University / Applied Physics Laboratory
Space Department / Ocean Remote Sensing Group

The Ocean Remote Sensing Group conducts research associated with civilian and military applications of remote sensing technology in the marine environment.
AVHRR Imagery
SAR Ocean Imagery
Radar Altimetry
Radar Scatterometry
Experiments and Projects
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    The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
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    SRO Image on the cover of the August 2006 National Geographic
    Bathymetry from Space reports on the need for foundational bathymetry and gravity for diverse users, and proposes a Delay-Doppler Altimeter for obtaining that data.
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    Full Report(9 MBytes)
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