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President Obama is holding his final press conference at The White House today at 2:15pm ET. Tune in here:

"We all have to play our part in reforming the organization so that it remains relevant for the future, and remains focused on the key issues of our time."– What reforms should the new United Nations Secretary-General’s agenda include? Assistant Secretary of State for the Bureau of International Organization Affairs Sheba Crocker discusses on FoggyBottom on Medium:

By: Sheba Crocker, Assistant Secretary of State, Bureau of International Organization Affairs, U.S. Department of State.|By U.S. Department of State

Secretary of State John Kerry speaks with New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman on "Diplomacy in an era of disruption" at the World Economic Forum, in Davos, Switzerland, January 17, 2017. Read the full transcript at:

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U.S. State Department Spokesperson John Kirby comments on the U.S. announcement of additional funding for the Green Climate Fund (GCF), during the Daily Press Briefing, January 17, 2017. More on the announcement at:


U.S. State Department Spokesperson John Kirby extends condolences to those affected by a plane crash on Sunday outside of Bishkek, during the Daily Press Briefing, January 17, 2017.


Watch live: Ben Rhodes addresses the press and gives a look back on the Obama Administration’s foreign policy at the Foreign Press Centers, January 17, 2017. Watch at:

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Foreign Press Centers

Join us at 2:15 p.m. today!

Secretary Kerry sat with CNN Chief International Correspondent Christiane Amanpour at the CNN London Bureau for an interview as he visited the British capital for meetings with the Archbishop of Canterbury and British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson, in London, U.K., January 16, 2017. Read the full interview at:

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Watch live today at noon→ U.S. Mission to the United Nations Ambassador Samantha Power will deliver her last major speech as USUN Ambassador today at the Atlantic Council. Watch live at 12 p.m. at:

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U.S. and #Cuba signed a bilateral Law Enforcement Memorandum of Understanding to deepen law enforcement cooperation and information sharing.

On January 16, the United States and Cuba signed a bilateral Law Enforcement Memorandum of Understanding to deepen law enforcement cooperation and information sharing.

"I am always amazed how many countries in the world really look at the United States as a beacon for democracy, human rights, and hope. Our growth as a nation –- our continued effort to value inclusion and service --allows our increasingly diverse corps of foreign and civil servants to represent the best of the United States to nations around the world." –Ambassador Donald Y. Yamamoto, member of the Senior Foreign Service and currently senior Vice-President at the National Defense University.

As we celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day we are reminded of the valuable work done over the last few decades to advance civil rights for all American citizens and the importance of service.

Since 1993, successive U.S. Presidents have proclaimed January 16 as Religious Freedom Day. Religious freedom involves the right of every person to follow the dictates of one’s conscience; to believe or not to believe; speak about one’s beliefs; teach one’s beliefs to one’s children; and manifest one’s beliefs through activities such as gathering for worship or building houses of worship. It is a concept grounded in respect for the rights and beliefs of others and deeply connected to our DNA as Americans.

“The #JCPOA resolved a major #nuclear threat without firing a shot or sending a single soldier into combat. It was endorsed unanimously by the United Nations Security Council and earned the support of more than 100 countries across the globe.” –U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry on January 16, 2017. #Iran

On the one-year anniversary of Implementation Day under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), we mark an historic understanding that prevents Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon and demonstrated the power of sustained, principled, multilateral diplomacy to address major international chal...

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry meets with the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby in #London today to speak about world reconciliation efforts.

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U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry departs #Paris, arrives in #London today to meet with Archbishop of Canterbury and U.K. Foreign Secretary.

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Read the latest from the #DipNote blog: In a farewell address to the nation on January 10, 2017, President Obama mentioned a number of interconnected global issues.

"The United States cares about what is happening here, and we want to continue to build a stronger and stronger partnership between our countries." –U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry in #Vietnam, January 13, 2017. More on the Secretary's visit at:


The State Department's Office of Weapons Removal and Abatement (PM/WRA) in the Bureau of Political-Military Affairs traveled to Burma Valley in Zimbabwe to see firsthand how U.S. efforts to help #Zimbabwe safely clear landmines and unexploded munitions make a life-changing difference for area residents.

"This vast new demand for renewables will continue to drive down the cost of electricity, making it easier for businesses — in America and abroad — to compete at home and in the global marketplace."Environmentally beneficial but now also increasingly cost competitive now, Under Secretary for Economic Growth, Energy and the Environment discusses the multiple benefits of renewable energy. →

"The United States has decided to issue a general license lifting the sanctions on U.S. trade and investment in #Sudan.”– Deputy Spokesperson Mark Toner discusses the progress made in Sudan and the decision to lift sanctions, during the Daily Press Briefing, January 13, 2017. Read the full press statement on progress in Sudan at:


"Yesterday’s actions were important steps forward to normalize relations with Cuba and to bring greater consistency to our immigration policy." Deputy Spokesperson Mark Toner commenting on the Cuban immigration policy change issued by the White House, during the Daily Press Briefing, January 13, 2017.