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Terrorism Risk Insurance Program

On December 26, 2007, the President signed into law the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2007 which extends the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act through December 31, 2014. The law extends the temporary federal Program that provides for a transparent system of shared public and private compensation for insured losses resulting from acts of terrorism. The Treasury Department implements the Program. This site will provide updated information on the Program, including announcements of all rulemakings, interpretive guidance, and requests for public comments.

On November 26, 2002, the President signed into law the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act of 2002 (Pub. L. 107–297, 116 Stat. 2322) (TRIA ). The Department of the Treasury (Treasury) on June 29, 2004, issued a final Claims Procedures Rule, effective July 31, 2004, as part of its implementation of title I of TRIA; 69 FR 39296. TRIA also contains specific provisions designed to manage litigation arising out of, or resulting from, a certified act of terrorism. On July 28, 2004, Treasury issued a final rule concerning litigation management, 69 FR 44932.

TRIA, the Claims Procedures Rule, the Litigation Management Rule and related rules found in 31 C.F.R. Part 50 contain certain definitions, requirements, and procedures for insurers filing claims with Treasury for payment of the Federal share of compensation for insured losses under the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program (TRIP). The Claims Procedures Rule, in particular, specifically addresses requirements for Federal payment, the submission of an initial notice of insured loss, loss certifications, the timing and process for payment, associated recordkeeping requirements, as well as Treasury’s audit and investigation authority. These procedures will apply to all insurers that wish to receive their payment of the Federal share of compensation for insured losses under TRIA. Insurers are advised to review the legislation and TRIP regulations before submitting information.

Additional materials addressing the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act of 2002 and TRIP, including Treasury issued interpretive letters, are contained on this website. Also, a “browsable” version of all of Treasury’s TRIP related regulations can be accessed through the Electronic Code of Federal Regulations.

Last Updated: 1/5/2011 2:43 PM