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Financial Institutions Policy


Reforming America’s Housing Finance Market (02/2011)
A Department of the Treasury and Department of Housing and Urban Development joint report to Congress laying out the Administration’s plan to reform America’s housing finance market to better serve families and function more safely in a world that has changed dramatically since the original pillars were put in place nearly eighty years ago.

Money Market Fund Reform Options (10/2010)
A President’s Working Group on Financial Markets report addressing the vulnerabilities of money market funds that contributed to the financial crisis in 2008.  Following the crisis, the Treasury Department directed the President’s Working Group on Financial Markets to develop this report to assess options for mitigating the systemic risk associated with money market funds and reducing their susceptibility to runs.

Financial Regulatory Reform A New Foundation: Rebuilding Financial Supervision and Regulation (06/2009)
A Department of the Treasury report discussing the Administration’s plan to reform America’s financial regulatory system.  This plan builds a new foundation for financial regulation and supervision that is simpler and more effectively enforced, that protects consumers and investors, that rewards innovation and that is able to adapt and evolve with changes in the financial market.

Advisory Committee on the Auditing Profession (10/2008)
The Advisory Committee on the Auditing Profession examined the sustainability of a strong and vibrant public auditing profession.  This Committee considered, among other things, the auditing profession’s ability to attract and retain the human capital necessary to meet developments in the business and financial reporting environment; audit market competition and concentration and the impact of the independence and other professional standards on financial markets; and the organizational structure, financial resources, and communication of the auditing profession. 

Blueprint for a Modernized Financial Regulatory Structure (03/2008)
A Department of the Treasury report examining the U.S. financial regulatory structure.  This report presents a series of short-term and intermediate-term recommendations.  The short-term recommendations focus on improving regulatory coordination and oversight of the credit and mortgage markets.  The intermediate-term recommendations work toward a conceptual model for an optimal regulatory framework.

Lessons Learned from the Privatization of Sallie Mae (03/2006)
A Department of the Treasury report examining the privatization of Student Loan Marketing Association (Sallie Mae), a government-sponsored enterprise.  This report discusses Sallie Mae’s decision to privatize, provides an overview of the student loan market and key Sallie Mae history, and covers the wind down experience and outlines the issues that arose during the privatization of this government-sponsored enterprise.   

Impact of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act on Credit to Small Businesses and Farms (01/2005)
A Department of the Treasury report to Congress studying the extent to which credit was being provided to and for small businesses and farms as a result of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act.  This report concluded that the enactment of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act had no measurable effect on the flow of credit to small businesses or farms.

Financial Holding Companies under the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (11/2003)
A Federal Reserve and Department of the Treasury join report to Congress examining the new activities conducted by Financial Holding Companies under the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, the actions the Federal Reserve and the Treasury have taken to determine the activities permissible for Financial Holding Companies, the risks posed by any commercial activities conducted by Financial Holding Companies, and the effect that any mergers and acquisitions by Financial Holding Companies under the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act have had on market concentration in the financial services industry.

Staff Report: Enhancing Disclosure in the Mortgage-Backed Securities Markets (02/2003)
A Department of the Treasury, Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight and Securities and Exchange Commission joint staff report examining the disclosure practices in the mortgage-backed securities markets.  This report evaluates disclosure practices and considers whether disclosure enhancements are desirable in assisting investors to make informed investment decisions.

Comparing Credit Unions with Other Depository Institutions (01/2001)
A Department of the Treasury report comparing credit unions with other depository institutions. This report also reviewed the history of credit unions’ exemption from the federal corporate income tax and estimated the potential revenue that could be raised were Congress to remove the exemption.  This report contains no recommendations.

Credit Union Member Business Lending (01/2001)
A Department of the Treasury report examining credit union member business lending.  This report surveyed all credit unions that carried member business loans on their books as of June 30, 1999.  The survey produced detailed information on credit union member business lending, including the types and sizes of businesses that receive such loans, and the collateral used to secure those loans.  This report also discusses the effectiveness and enforcement of the National Credit Union Administration’s regulations applicable to member business lending. Feasibility and

Desirability of Mandatory Subordinated Debt (12/2000)
A Federal Reserve and Department of the Treasury join report examining the feasibility and desirability of mandatory subordinated debt.  This report called for continued research and evaluation of financial institution supervisors’ experience in using information derived from voluntarily issued subordinated debt.  This report found that subordinated debt issuance by large depository institution organizations may encourage market discipline and generate other supervisory benefits.

Predatory Lending Report (07/2000)
A Department of the Treasury and Department of Housing and Urban Development joint report on examining predatory lending.  This report details recommendations on legislative, regulatory and other steps to curb predatory mortgage lending and proposes a four-point plan to address predatory lending practices: improve consumer literacy and disclosures; prohibit harmful sales practices in the mortgage market; restrict abusive terms and conditions on high-cost loans; and improve market structure.


Last Updated: 4/12/2011 1:56 PM