Annual Progress Report

Under section 18(e) of the OCS Lands Act, the Secretary must review an approved Five Year Program each year. Historically, this review has been an internal process with BOEM reporting to the Secretary any information or events that might result in the Secretary’s consideration of a revision to the program. For the 2012-2017 Five Year Program, BOEM will fulfill the requirement for this review via an annual progress report, which is submitted to the Secretary.

The 2014 Annual Progress Report (issued in January, 2015) provides an overview of the activities that have occurred during the previous year, including but not limited to:

  • statistics of sales that have occurred in the previous year, including the number and location of lease blocks and the dollars collected on high bids
  • an aggregate collection of all newly enacted deferrals and mitigations
  • a summary of completed and ongoing safety and environmental studies
  • regulatory updates
  • a discussion of any significant new drilling activities
  • a summary of any significant incidents
  • other relevant information

The report is available at the following link: Five Year Program Annual Progress Report for 2014

BOEM is currently engaged in the development of the 2017-2022 Five Year Program. The Five Year Program development process for the new 2017-2022 Five Year Program includes multiple opportunities for stakeholder comments. To avoid confusion with that ongoing process, BOEM is not issuing a formal Federal Register notice requesting comments on the 2014 Annual Progress Report.

Previous Annual Progress Report

BOEM published the 2013 Annual Progress Report on the Bureau’s website on November 1, 2013, with an accompanying Federal Register notice requesting public comment.

The 2013 Annual Progress Report can be found here: 2013 Annual Progress Report.