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Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

Resources How To Guides Prepare Presentations to be given in the FERC Commission Meeting Room

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Prepare Presentations to be given in the FERC Commission
Meeting Room

Presentations must use the approved template or adhere to the following requirements otherwise FERC cannot guarantee the quality of the presentation either inside the Commission Meeting Room or on the webcast.

PowerPoint Presentation Requirements

Images will be displayed on overhead landscape-view monitors. Images will stretch horizontally and tend to have some distortion as they go through the broadcast and reception process. In order to keep text and images visible on viewers' TV screens and monitors, you need to follow these requirements:

    1. Never use anything smaller than 22 pt fonts;

    2. Only use sans serif fonts (i.e., arial, verdana, etc);

    3. Limit text to no more than 7 words per line, 7 lines per page;

    4. Use warm colors for text, cool colors for backgrounds;

    5. Horizontal pictures work better than vertical pictures; keep chart or map content as simple as possible to illustrate your main point; and

    6. Important: You must use the approved template [PPT] or follow the requirements above. This approved template has the following already added:
      • Black box along the bottom, allows for captioning.

Note: FERC will make the arrangements for a laptop and a technician to run the PowerPoint during the meeting.