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Featured Data Collections

Medicaid Policy Action Trends

For 16 years, the Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured (KCMU) and Health Management Associates (HMA) have conducted annual surveys of Medicaid programs across the country. The National Association of Medicaid Directors (NAMD) has formally collaborated on this project since 2014. This data collection pulls together state by state information on select policy actions taken by state Medicaid programs collected through this survey.

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Medicaid Benefits Data Collection

This data collection reflects Medicaid benefits covered in each state, limitations applied to those benefits, cost-sharing charges, and the reimbursement methodologies used for those benefits as of October 1, 2012.  Data for five additional points in time (January 1, 2003, October 1, 2004, October 1, 2006, October 1, 2008, and October 1, 2010) are also available.

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Medicare Health and Prescription Drug Plans

Data indicators about private plans participating in the Medicare Advantage program and the Medicare prescription drug program. The Medicare Health and Prescription Drug Plan Tracker enables users to monitor trends in enrollment, market penetration and other topics for Medicare Advantage plans since 1999 and stand-alone Medicare drug plans since 2006 by state, county and other sub-state geographies.

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Medicaid Managed Care Market Tracker

More than half of Medicaid beneficiaries now receive all or most of their care from risk-based managed care organizations (MCO), and states are rapidly expanding their reliance on risk contracting. The Medicaid Managed Care Market Tracker houses extensive information about states, MCOs, and managed care firms to support understanding and analysis of the growing Medicaid managed care market.

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Trends in Medicaid Income Eligibility Limits

This data collection provides Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program income eligibility limits across states for children, pregnant women, parents, and other non-disabled adults over time.

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The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation Headquarters: 2400 Sand Hill Road, Menlo Park, CA 94025 | Phone 650-854-9400
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Filling the need for trusted information on national health issues, the Kaiser Family Foundation is a nonprofit organization based in Menlo Park, California.