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News Release

Wednesday, September 28, 2016
Contact: OPM Office of Communications
Tel: 202-606-2402

Open Season for Federal Health Benefits, Dental and Vision Insurance and Flexible Spending Accounts

Average FEHB premiums to increase by 4.4 percent

Washington, DC – The U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) announced today that premiums for the 2017 Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) Program will rise by an average of 4.4 percent. The FEHB rate increase is below projected increases for the national large group market.

The FEHB Open Season, which begins November 14th and runs through December 12th, will give Federal employees and retirees the opportunity to review the 2017 rates and benefits and change their health care coverage if they wish. The upcoming Open Season will also give employees and retirees the chance to select supplemental dental and/or vision coverage. In addition, Federal employees can elect to participate in a tax-deferred Flexible Spending Account (FSA) for health care and/or dependent care.

“The FEHB program is an important benefit for Federal employees to provide quality health care for themselves and their families,” said OPM Acting Director Beth Cobert. “I urge Federal employees, and annuitants to use this Open Season opportunity to carefully review their health care needs and to choose wisely among the plans and enrollment options available to them.”

OPM is dedicated to providing quality healthcare for the enrolled population.  By way of example, for several years, OPM has encouraged FEHB carriers to offer ABA benefits for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders and we are pleased that all plans will offer clinically appropriate and medically necessary treatment for children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder in 2017.  

Established in 1960, the FEHB Program is the largest employer-sponsored health benefits program in the United States.  On average, the Government pays about 70 percent of the health benefit premiums.  Approximately 85 percent of all Federal employees participate in the Program.

The OPM website provides a detailed breakdown on the FEHB Program premium rates and the FEDVIP rates.

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