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Before You Apply

Get Registered

If you are interested in receiving OJP funding, get registered, and do it soon. You cannot submit any OJP applications until you do. Registration, especially with, may take approximately 3-5 business days. OJP strongly encourages applicants to start registration as soon as possible.

Step 1. Get a DUNS Number
All applications for federal funds must include a DUNS number (Data Universal Numbering System, from Dun & Bradstreet). Determine if your jurisdiction or agency already has a DUNS number by using the Dun & Bradstreet search option. If you don’t have a DUNS number, you can apply for one online (

Although you generally receive your DUNS number on the same day you apply for it, apply early; you cannot complete any of the remaining steps without it.

Step 2. Acquire or Renew Registration with System for Award Management (SAM)
Every applicant for OJP funding must also be registered with the System for Award Management (SAM). The person registering with SAM will be the designated E-Business Point of Contact, who can assign the people who will submit applications for the organization (your Authorized Organization Representatives).

You must have a DUNS number to submit a SAM registration. In addition, you must renew your SAM registration once a year.

Note that these tasks can take several days to a week to complete, so do not delay.

Step 3: Register With GMS or
Applications for OJP funding opportunities are either submitted through the Grants Management System (GMS) or; both systems require registration, and it can take anywhere from a few days to 2 weeks for your registration to become active and for you to be able to submit an application.

It is not necessary to re-register if you already have user IDs and passwords for the systems. Check early, however, to ensure that your ID and password are active. If an applicant has a GMS profile, they do not need to create a second profile to submit an application in GMS. Applicants will be able to use the same ID and password to enter into GMS. Applicants must also register for each solicitation by clicking on the solicitation for which they are interested in applying. An applicant applying in GMS is registered once they have an application number. note: Only Authorized Organization Representatives (see step 2) can register with Before registration is complete, the E-Business Point of Contact at your organization must respond to a registration e-mail from to confirm that the person who is applying is an Authorized Organization Representative. During this process, you will be asked to designate an Authorized Representative. Generally, this person is the top executive of the applicant’s organization (e.g., director), and must be authorized to enter the organization into legal agreements with the Federal Government. If the top executive delegates this authority to another individual, a letter from the top executive stating this change must be submitted with the application.

Step 4. Determine Your OJP VIN
If you have received OJP funding in the past, you may have an OJP Vendor Identification Number (VIN). Using a previously issued OJP VIN helps ensure that your grants are all tracked under a single number and eliminates confusion when your organization files Financial Status Reports and requests payments. If you aren’t sure of your OJP VIN, contact the OJP Office of the Chief Financial Officer (OCFO). Agencies/grantees that have never received grant funds from OJP do not need an OJP VIN to submit an application; OCFO will assign a VIN once a grant award is made.