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Matthew McMillen - Director of Environmental Compliance, LPO

final14424web.jpgMatthew McMillen serves as the Director of Environmental Compliance for the Department of Energy’s Loan Programs Office and brings over 28 years of experience in environmental impact analysis and program management to the Program. In addition to this role, he serves as the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Compliance Officer for the Program where he oversees the Program’s NEPA review and compliance processes, including consultations and coordination with other federal agencies and tribes.

Before joining DOE in 2008, Mr. McMillen spent seven years with the Federal Aviation Administration heading up the agency’s NEPA program in the Office of Environment & Energy. Prior to this, he spent 20 years as a senior environmental scientist with three Washington environmental consulting firms managing environmental reviews and the preparation of NEPA documents and related guidance. Mr. McMillen was also a member of the White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) NEPA Task Force. He is a principal author of several CEQ guidance documents including “Considering Cumulative Effects Under the National Environmental Policy Act” and “Modernizing NEPA Implementation: The NEPA Task Force Report to The Council On Environmental Quality,” and “Aligning NEPA Processes with Environmental Management Systems.”

Mr. McMillen earned a Master of Science in Natural Resource Development from Michigan State University in East Lansing, Michigan. He also holds a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science from Michigan State.