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Guidelines for Annual Progress Review of Trainees

A periodic review of a fellow's progress in the laboratory is helpful for both the trainee and the mentor to ensure that training goals will be achieved. The following list provides topics that should be discussed in annual progress reviews with the trainee. Enclosed also are several annual progress evaluations used by different Institutes that are provided as possible templates. Each Institute is encouraged to develop a written review that meets the training goals of the Lab or Branch within the Institute.

  1. Productivity
  2. Effort
  3. Creativity
  4. Reliability
  5. Cooperation/Team effort within the lab
  6. Research presentations, including attendance at local/national/international meetings
  7. Goals for the upcoming year
  8. Long term research and career goals

Annual Progress Review Forms

The page was last updated on Saturday, March 21, 2015 - 4:40pm