Total Workplace

Why do you need Total Workplace?

Today’s work is radically different than it was 20 years ago: organizations are less hierarchical, processes are more collaborative, and mobile technologies provide people with robust tools to perform complex work anywhere – at any time. Moreover, the next generation workforce has very different norms and expectations about the workplace than do prior generations. In the past, most federal agencies viewed the workplace as little more than a static physical container for work, that reinforced status through rank based standards.

This view is completely out of step with our modern world of mobile devices and fluid team based organizational processes. The Total Workplace program views the workplace as an integrated system of space and technology that enables work, wherever it occurs. We believe it takes an integrated planning, and change management approach to optimally leverage space and technology to lower costs and positively impact the performance and satisfaction of People. Consider whether your workplace reflects the work of today or the work of yesterday. Total Workplace can provide you with the resources and tools to evaluate the optimal way to align your workplace to your work.

What can we do for you?

National Workplace Engagement

National Workplace Engagement

The GSA partners with agencies to create a customized workplace program to advance new workplace strategies across their real estate portfolio. This approach allows the agency to meet business, sustainability and real estate goals. A more mobile and flexible environment supported by information technology allows agencies to reduce costs and energy consumption. The program assists in achieving real estate reductions while allowing organizations to collaborate and concentrate within their office space.

Pilot/Demonstration Program

Pilot /Demonstration Program

This program identifies and implements targeted smallscale pilot work areas to test new working environments within the agencies space. This test area can serve as a catalyst for broad implementation across their real estate portfolio.

Change Management

Change Management

The program focuses on working with customers to determine techniques, milestones, methods and implementation of change throughout their organizations. The goal is to transition individuals, teams and organizations to a desired future state by addressing the rationale for the change, the project vision and the key benefits.

FIT Initiative

Furniture & Information Technology (FIT) Initiative

This program is a national funding initiative to help federal agencies by providing furniture and IT where agencies are interested in developing more effective and efficient work space. It helps to create a place where people want to come to work. The program goals also encourage and support improved collaboration, productivity, space utilization while reducing energy and carbon use.

More about the FIT Program >

Learn more about the Total Workplace Program


Last Reviewed 2016-06-08