Translating Research Into Practice

AHRQ's fact sheets about translating research into practice

Accelerating Change and Transformation in Organizations and Networks (ACTION)

ACTION is a model of field-based research designed to promote innovation in health care delivery by accelerating the diffusion of research into practice. The ACTION network includes 15 large partnerships and collaborating organizations that provide health care to more than 100 million Americans. ACTION's goals, partners, and research opportunities are summarized in this fact sheet.

Accelerating Change and Transformation in Organizations and Networks II (ACTION II)

ACTION II is a model of field-based research designed to promote innovation in health care delivery by accelerating the diffusion of research into practice. The ACTION II network includes 17 large partnerships and more than 350 collaborating organizations that provide health care to an estimated 50 percent of the U.S. population. ACTION II's goals, partners, and research opportunities are summarized in this fact sheet.

ACTION II Project Awards, Fiscal Year 2013

ACTION (Accelerating Change and Transformation in Organizations and Networks) II is a model of field-based research designed to promote innovation in health care delivery by accelerating the diffusion of research into practice. The ACTION II network includes 15 large partnerships and collaborating organizations that provide health care to more than 100 million Americans.

ACTION II Awards, Fiscal Year 2012

ACTION II (Accelerating Change and Transformation in Organizations and Networks) is a model of field-based research designed to promote innovation in health care delivery by accelerating the diffusion of research into practice. The ACTION network includes 15 large partnerships and collaborating organizations that provide health care to more than 100 million Americans.

ACTION II Project Awards, Fiscal Year 2011

ACTION (Accelerating Change and Transformation in Organizations and Networks) is a model of field-based research designed to promote innovation in health care delivery by accelerating the diffusion of research into practice. The ACTION network includes 15 large partnerships and collaborating organizations that provide health care to more than 100 million Americans.

ACTION Project Awards, Fiscal Year 2010

ACTION (Accelerating Change and Transformation in Organizations and Networks) is a model of field-based research designed to promote innovation in health care delivery by accelerating the diffusion of research into practice. The ACTION network includes 15 large partnerships and collaborating organizations that provide health care to more than 100 million Americans.

ACTION Project Awards, Fiscal Year 2009

ACTION (Accelerating Change and Transformation in Organizations and Networks) is a model of field-based research designed to promote innovation in health care delivery by accelerating the diffusion of research into practice. The ACTION network includes 15 large partnerships and collaborating organizations that provide health care to more than 100 million Americans.

Accelerating Change and Transformation in Organizations and Networks III (ACTION III)

ACTION III is a contract mechanism the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) uses to support field-based delivery system research. Through ACTION III task orders, AHRQ supports and studies the development and testing of interventions designed to improve care delivery, and the dissemination and implementation of successful care delivery models in diverse care settings.

Internet Citation: Translating Research Into Practice. Content last reviewed August 2015. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.