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Resources and Information

Resources to Order

Food Safety Information for Small and Very Small Plants - Brochure*
FSIS offers a variety of resources to assist small and very small plants with their HACCP programs.

See Also: USDA National Agricultural Library, Food Safety Research Information Office
The Food Safety Research Information Office (FSRIO) supports the research community by collecting, organizing and disseminating food safety information

Online Tools

Antimicrobial Spray Treatments for Red Meat Carcasses Processed in Very Small Meat Establishments
Pennsylvania State University developed an intervention booklet for small and very small meat and poultry plants with funding from a USDA-CSREES grant. This information describes an effective antimicrobial intervention for red meat carcasses processed in very small meat plants.

HACCP Validation
The validation page provides an information resource on validation to small and very small meat and poultry establishments in order to help them obtain information to support the scientific design of their HACCP systems.

Meat, Poultry and Egg Product Inspection Directory
Access the listing of establishments that produce meat, poultry, and/or egg products regulated by USDA's Food Safety and Inspection Service.

Pathogen Modeling Program (PMP)
The PMP is a package of models that can be used to predict the growth and inactivation of foodborne bacteria, primarily pathogens, under various environmental conditions. It was developed and is maintained by The USDA Agricultural Research Service (USDA-ARS).

Predictive Microbiology Information Portal (PMIP)
USDA portal offers predictive modeling tools and food microbiology information, with emphasis on research, regulations and resources related to Listeria monocytogenes in ready-to-eat foods.

Supporting Documentation Materials for HACCP Decisions
From Ohio State University.


How to Develop a Meat and Poultry Product Recall Plan (Sep 2015; PDF Only) | Arabic | Chinese | Korean | Spanish | Vietnamese
FSIS developed this guidebook and accompanying workbook to aid small and very small establishments that produce meat and poultry products in designing and implementing an effective recall plan. 

Guidebook for the Preparation of HACCP Plans and Generic HACCP Models

Guide to E. coli O157:H7 Testing of Raw Ground Beef and Raw Ground Beef Components 
This document is designed to assist both grinders and raw material suppliers by explaining what product will be considered to be covered by an FSIS sample. To obtain a copy of these guidelines, visit the South West Meat Association Web site at http://www.southwestmeat.org or the National Meat Association web site at http://www.nmaonline.org.

Industry Best Practices for Holding Tested Products
This document was designed to encourage all establishments to hold products that are tested for adulterants until the results are received and to assist companies in developing best practices to ensure that they in fact do so. To obtain a copy of this document, visit the International HACCP Alliance Web site at the following address: http://haccpalliance.org/alliance/bestpractices.html

Materials from Workshops for Small Plants

People & Groups Who Can Help

State HACCP Contacts & Coordinators 
HACCP Contacts and Coordinators provide technical advice, assistance, resources and conduct activities to support HACCP implementation in small and very small plants.

Beef Industry Food Safety Council (BIFSCO)
The Beef Industry Food Safety Council (BIFSCo) brings together representatives from all segments of the beef industry to develop industry-wide, science-based strategies to solve the problem of E. coli O157:H7 and other foodborne pathogens in beef.

International HACCP Alliance
The International HACCP Alliance, housed within the Department of Animal Science at Texas A&M University, was developed to provide a uniform program to assure safer meat and poultry products.


Last Modified Dec 12, 2019