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Image of a stethascope

A Major Step Forward for Addiction Medicine

March 2016
A major milestone was reached on March 14, 2016, when the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) formally announced recognition of the field of Addiction Medicine as a medical subspecialty. Read More.


Intervening Early to Prevent Substance Use Disorders

March 2016
The brain is an organ that adapts in both short- and long-term ways to its environment, and prevention science over the past few decades has shown clearly that a person’s early experiences during the first few years of life and even prenatally can have an enormous impact on an individual’s later risk or resilience for drug abuse and related psychiatric conditions. Read More.


NIDA Strategic Plan 2016-2020

NIDA's 2016-2020 Strategic Plan

February 2016
Over the last four decades, NIDA-supported research has revolutionized our understanding of drug use and addiction, driving a new understanding of the neurobiological, genetic, epigenetic, social, and environmental factors that contribute to substance use disorders. Read More.


Image of bottles of alcohol with a figure in the background holding a drink

Saving a “Lost Generation”: The Need to Prevent Drug and Alcohol Abuse in Midlife

January 2016
By Dr. Nora Volkow (NIDA) and Dr. George Koob (NIAAA)- We have long expcted to see increasing substance use in middle and later life with the aging of baby boomers—a demographic that traditionally had a more relaxed attitude to substance use. A recent study funded by the National Institute on Aging reveals the unexpected enormity of the problem and its disastrous consequences for a generation of Americans. Read More.


Photo of Bill Williams and his son William Head Williams

Listening to the Dead

January 2016
Guest blog by Bill Williams - a reminder of the devastating and incomprehensible experiences faced by families who are fighting the disease of addiction. Read More.


Monitoring the Future Logo

Encouraging News from Monitoring the Future

December 2015
Revealing the results of the annual Monitoring the Future (MTF) survey of drug use and attitudes among American middle- and high-school students is an annual mid-December ritual at NIDA. This year the results were mostly positive, giving us cause for encouragement. Read More.


Jacob Waletzky Memorial Award

A Personal Story of Despair and Hope, and the Origin of the Jacob P. Waletzky Award

December 2015
A guest blog by Jeremy Waletzky, MD. Every year since 2003, NIDA has honored a young career scientist with the Society for Neuroscience Jacob P. Waletzky Memorial Award for Innovative Research in Drug Addiction and Alcoholism. This award would not be possible without the generosity of the Waletzky Family, who in memory of their son, wanted to recognize research contributions in the area of drug addiction or alcoholism, and the nervous system. Read More.


Nalaxone team, see caption

NARCAN Nasal Spray: Life-Saving Science at NIDA

November 2015
The FDA announced its approval of the NARCAN Nasal Spray, an intranasal naloxone formula that can immediately restore normal breathing in a person overdosing on prescription opioids or heroin and thus save their life. Read More.


Illustration of low nicotine cigarette packages

New Study Shows Benefits of Reducing Nicotine in Cigarettes

November 2015
Can the addictiveness of cigarettes be minimized by reducing their nicotine content? This idea was first proposed as a public health measure two decades ago, but when the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) argued the case before the Supreme Court in 2000, they were not granted the authority. Read More.


Photo of a group of teenagers

Grant Awards Mark the Launch of Landmark Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study

September 2015
The teen years are the period of highest risk for substance use and for the development of other behavioral disorders, and they are also a period when the brain is changing dramatically. A study of this scope will yield an unprecedented amount of detailed information. Read More.



About This Blog

Dr. Nora Volkow

Here I highlight important work being done at NIDA and other news related to the science of drug abuse and addiction.
—Dr. Nora Volkow, Director

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Dr. Nora Volkow: Video Highlights

NIDA Director, Dr. Nora D. Volkow Videos

  • National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA): Quality Talks, October 2016
    Treating Addiction Within the Health Care System
  • APA TV, May 2016
    APA TV chats with Dr. Nora Volkow, the Director of NIDA to hear about her lecture on drug abuse and the opioid epidemic.
  • Kentucky Educational Television, May 2016
    One to One with Bill Goodman: Dr. Nora Volkow
  • TEDMED, January 2015
    Why do our brains get addicted?
  • The World Science Festival, May 2013
    Meet Pioneer in Science, Dr. Nora Volkow
  • Rockburn Presents, November 2012
    Dr. Nora Volkow
  • Brookhaven National Laboratory WBNL Video, October 2012
    Chemistry celebration: FDG: Contribution to Our Understanding of Addiction
  • CBS 60 Minutes, April 2012
    Hooked: Why Bad Habits Are Hard to Break 
  • Science Times, June 2011
    Dr. Nora Volkow