Resource Protection, Preparedness, Response, and Recovery Team

MV New Carissa oil spill

General Information

The Resource Protection, Preparedness, Response and Recovery Team and the Regional Offices work with multiple federal, state and local agencies and other organizations to improve preparedness, protection and recovery of Interior’s lands and resources, and the Nation’s natural and cultural resource and historic property interests for both emergency and longterm responses.

Environmental Preparedness, Response and Recovery

Safeguard both Interior’s and the Nation’s natural and cultural resources and historic properties during disasters and emergencies. OEPC leads DOI's environmental preparedness and response processes to be more efficient and effective through inter-bureau/interagency collaboration. Two principal responsibilities are to serve as the:

  • Departmental lead for preparedness and response to oil spills and hazardous substances releases under CERCLA, the Oil Pollution Act, and the Clean Water Act, and Emergency Support Function (ESF) #10 of the National Response Framework.
  • Federal government’s lead for the protection of natural and cultural resources and historic properties (NCH) nationwide, under ESF #11 of the National Response Framework (NRF).
  • Federal government’s lead for the recovery of natural and cultural resources nationwide, under the Natural and Cultural Resources Recovery Support Function (NCR RSF) of the National Disaster Recovery Framework.

Natural Resources Trust

The Team works with OEPC Regional Environmental Officers (REOs) to coordinate environmental response with natural resource restoration. Resolution of contamination and hazardous waste problems is best achieved when response and restoration actions are effectively coordinated. OEPC facilitates such coordination by providing response agencies with a single point of access to the full range of resources and expertise within DOI, coordinating DOI response activities when more than one bureau is involved, and resolving potential problems to expedite environmental response and restoration actions, to uphold key environmental statutes, including CERCLA & Oil Pollution Act, and the Clean Water Act.

Remedial Response

The Team establishes and provides interagency policy and guidance when multiple Federal agencies are involved in remedial response actions affecting DOI resources. The Team and the REOs work towards early, upfront resolution of interagency issues so that subsequent, multiple case-specific remedial response actions can be taken more quickly and effectively at a reduced cost. The two lines of effort are:

  • Responses on non DOI-managed lands affecting DOI resources; and,
  • NonDOI responses on DOI-managed lands.

Management Excellence

The RPPRR Team provides principal support for OEPC's continuity of operations, budget formulation, and financial management execution. The Team supports the establishment, tracking and analysis of performance measures, workload measures and other metrics needed for documenting the office's programs and performance supporting DOI's Strategic Plan.  

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