PDF: EasyToRead_RecoveryTreatment_012017.pdf

Most people who are addicted can't stop using drugs just because they want to. They won't feel okay until their bodies and brains stop feeling a need for the drug. Sometimes medicines can make it easier to stop taking the drug without feeling sick.

But getting the drug out of a person's system is just the first stage of treatment.

People with addictions also need to change how they do things so they can live healthy lives again without drugs.

Often they became so focused on getting and using drugs that:

  • They did not care for their family, their work, or their community. People with addictions often are in a lot of trouble for breaking rules and not keeping their promises.
  • They did not look after their health. People with addictions might not be eating or sleeping well, cleaning their teeth, or getting treated for infections. Their drug use might have caused health problems.
  • Things they used to enjoy no longer make them feel good. Drugs have made them stop caring about hobbies, interests, and friends.

Talking with doctors or counselors (people trained to listen and help you solve personal problems) or other people in treatment can help.

Call 1-800-662-HELP (4357) at any time to find drug treatment centers near you.