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Reading Room: News and Journal Articles About Studying Sex / Gender



  • How to study the impact of sex and gender in medical research: a review of resources.
    This paper aims to assist basic researchers, clinical investigators, as well as epidemiologists, population, and social scientists by providing an annotated bibliography of currently available resource tools on how to consider sex and gender as independent variables in research design and methodology. These resources will assist investigators applying for funding from the National Institutes of Health since all grant applicants will be required (as of January 25, 2016) to address the role of sex as a biological variable in vertebrate animal and human studies. (October 2015)
  • Why Science Needs Female Mice
    The New York Times Editorial Board discusses NIH's new policy requiring NIH-funded scientists to consider the biological variable sex in preclinical research studies. (July 2015)
  • The Upsetting Reason Why We Don't Know Nearly Enough About How Meds Affect Women
    Dr. Janine Clayton was included among other experts in this in-depth Refinery29 article looking at issues of inclusion in health research and the need to consider the biological variable sex from the very start: in preclinical research. "We want to be sure that considering sex as a biological variable is not an afterthought," she said. (July 2015)
  • Sex Differences And Pain (Subscription required)
    Over the past 15 years, neuroscientists have pieced together one particular biological circuit that they think is involved in some chronic pain conditions. But work on this mechanism left out some important subjects: females. In Chemical & Engineering News, Dr. Janine Clayton comments on this new study that highlights the risk of ignoring sex in biomedical research. "The study is another in a growing number of examples showing how sex influences biology from cells to selves," said Dr. Clayton. "Studies like this show that it's vital to study both sexes." (July 2015)
  • Hey, Medicine: Stop Ignoring the Existence of Women
    Dr. Janine Clayton talks to OZY about the importance of considering both sexes in preclinical research and what it means for understanding female biology and women's health. (May 2015)


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