Plant Health Response

Plant Health Response


APHIS' Plant Protection and Quarantine (PPQ) program safeguards U.S. agriculture and natural resources from the introduction, establishment, and spread of plant pests and noxious weeds. APHIS combines strong offshore information and preclearance programs, port inspections, and extensive domestic surveillance to prevent, detect, and respond to any plant health emergencies.

PPQ's Emergency and Domestic Programs unit provides national leadership and coordination in crop biosecurity and emergency management. As the lead Federal agency for plant health emergencies, PPQ works cooperatively with national and international plant protection organizations; Federal, State, tribal, and local agencies; universities; industries; and private entities to carry out its emergency management activities.

Emergency and Domestic Programs Information


Emergency and Domestic Programs Website

Agricultural Quarantine Inspection--APHIS works closely with DHS' Customs and Border Protection to keep harmful plant pests and weeds out of the United States.

Cooperative Agricultural Pest Survey--CAPS is a targeted pest surveillance program carried out in cooperation with State Departments of Agriculture across the country.

National Plant Diagnostic Network--NPDN is a USDA-administered network of university laboratories that can rapidly and accurately detect and report high-consequence plant pathogens, insects, weeds, and other biological pests.

Plant Pest Information--Find out more about a specific insect, mollusk, nematode, plant disease, or noxious weed.






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