Utah Planning and NEPA

Managing approximately 23 million surface acres of public land, BLM-Utah realizes public involvement in our management strategies is critical. Planning emphasizes a collaborative environment in which local, State, and Tribal governments, as well as the public, user groups, and industry work with the BLM to identify appropriate multiple uses of the public lands.

The land-use planning process allows for extensive public involvement and provides a blueprint of how the public land should be managed. BLM Utah’s mission is to sustain the health, diversity and productivity of the public land, and land-use planning is vital to our mission.

**Please be patient as we migrate NEPA and planning documents from our old website into ePlanning. If you are unable to find a plan on ePlanning, please visit our ENBB database. Here

Plans and NEPA Documents in Development

Cedar City Resource Management Plan

The Cedar City Field Office of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is preparing an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for a new Resource Management Plan (RMP) on public lands they manage in Iron and Beaver counties, Utah. The RMP will be the basic document that will guide management of natural resources, activities and uses on the public lands during the next 15-20 years. The new RMP will address issues and concerns identified by the public as well as other government agencies.

St. George Resource Management Plan

In response to the Omnibus Public Land Management Act of 2009 ( the Act), P.L.111-11., the St. George Field Office (SGFO) is preparing Resource Management Plans for the 63,500 acre Beaver Dam wash National Conservation Area and the 45,000 acre Red Cliffs NCA on public lands in Washington County, Utah.

The St. George Field Office is also ammending the St. George RMP, approved in 1999, to designate additional Areas of Critical Environmental Concern (ACECs) for the conservation of biological resources and natural communities and to evaluate the area designations for motorized off-highway vehicle (OHV) travel.

San Rafael Desert Master Leasing Plan

Development of the San Rafael Desert MLP is consistent with the sweeping oil and gas leasing reform initiative launched by the BLM in 2010.  It will serve as a roadmap to guide the orderly development of oil and gas resources in the area, while also providing protections for important conservation areas in southeastern Utah. The MLP will focus on about 525,000 acres in Emery and Wayne counties, and could result in amendments to 2 resource management plans, or land use plans, governing BLM-managed public lands in the region.

Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument Grazing Plan Amendment

The planning area consists of about 2.1 million acres of land which includes lands in the GSENM and non-monument lands administered by GSENM. The GSENM administers livestock grazing on lands managed by teh National Park Service wtihin Glen Canyon National  Recreation Area as well as landss within BLM's Kanab and Arizona Strip Field Offices through intra-agency agreements. These lands occur in Kane and Garfield Counties, Utah and a small area in Coconino County, Arizona. 

Gunnison Sage-Grouse Rangewide Plan Amendments

The Gunnison Sage-Grouse (Centrocercus minimus) is listed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service as a federally threatened species under the Endangered Species Act. To ensure that the BLM's actions do not jeopardize the continued existance of this species or modify/destruct critical habitat, the BLM is preparing a Resource Management Plan Amendment and associated Environmental Impact Statement to provide a framework for conserving and assisting with the recovery of the Gunnison Sage-Grouse and for conserving and restoring habitat upon which the species depends on BLM-administered public lands across the range of the bird. 

Energy Gateway South Transmission Line Project

PacifiCorp (doing business as Rocky Mountain Power) a regulated public utility, has filed an application for a right-of-way (ROW) to construct, operate and maintain a 500 kV overhead, alternating current transmission line to cross public and private lands for the Energy Gateway South Transmission Line Project. When completed, the Project would transmit about 1,500 megawatts of electricity generated from renewable and thermal sources at planned facilities in Wyoming.

Transwest Express Transmission Line

The Bureau of Land Management and the Western Area Power Administration are co-lead agencies in preparing an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) in response to TransWest Express LLC's application for a right-of-way (ROW) to construct, operate, maintain, and decommission a transmission line project on public lands.

The proposed project would consist of an approximately 730-mile-long, 600-kilovolt, direct current transmission line, a northern terminal located near Sinclair, Wyoming, and a southern terminal approximately 25 miles south of Las Vegas, Nevada. 

Plans in Effect

The Bureau of Land Management uses the following plans to guide management of public lands across Utah.

Regional Plans:

Statewide Plans:

Field Office Plans:

Cedar City


Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument






Salt Lake

  • Isolated Tracts Planning Analysis; 1985
  • Box Elder PRMP/FEIS; 1985
  • Box Elder ARMP/ROD & RPS; 1986
  • Box Elder DR for EA/PA UT-020-94-07; 1998
  • Randolph MFP; 1980
  • Park City MFP Sum/Decisions; 1975
  • Pony Express DRMP/EIS; May 1988
  • Pony Express PRMP/FEIS; September 1988
  • Pony Express ARMP/ROD&RPS; 1990
  • Pony Express EA/PA UT-020-96-36; August 1997
  • Pony Express DR for EA/PA UT-020-96-36; November  1997

St. George


    Additional Plans:

    Programmatic EIS

    • Wind Energy Development Programmatic EIS
    • Vegetation Treatments Programmatic EIS
    • Solar Energy Development Programmatic EIS
    • Oil Shale & Tar Sands Programmatic EIS
    • Geothermal Resources Leasing Programmatic EIS
    • West-wide Energy Corridor Programmatic EIS

    Other Scanned Documents:

    • UT BLM Intensive Wilderness Inventory, Final Decision on WSA; Nov 1980
    • Fed Land Policy&Mgmt Act of 1976
    • UT BLM Standards for Range Health& Guides for Grazing Mgmt/ROD; 1997 (Contact BLM Utah Field Offices for a complete list of amendments)

    Fire Management Plans

    • Moab Fire District Fire Management Plan EA Nov 2005
    • Richfield Fire Management Plan EA Nov 2005
    • Salt Lake Fire Management Plan EA Nov 2005
    • Southern Utah Support Area Fire Management Plan EA Nov 2005
    • Vernal Fire Management Plan EA Nov 2005

    Frequently Requested NEPA Documents

    All frequently requested NEPA documents can be found on ePlanning and legacy NEPA documents can be found on ENBB.