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Guidance to Multilateral Development Banks for Engaging with Developing Countries on Coal-fired Power Generation

In December 2009, the U.S. Treasury Department transmitted to the senior management of the multilateral development banks (MDBs) the attached Guidance to MDBs for Engaging with Developing Countries on Coal-Fired Power Generation. This policy guidance is intended to be adapted by individual MDBs and incorporated into their respective operational policies, country and sector strategies, and other procedures that are related to the public or private project cycle for coal-powered generation operations. It covers a range of issues including alternatives analysis, power sector policy reform, and capacity building. This guidance is intended to supplement rather than supersede other MDB operational policies (environmental impact assessment, other environmental and social safeguards, procurement, etc.).

The Department intends to use this guidance to help determine its interactions with the MDBs as they update relevant sector strategies and operational policies, as well as in forming the U.S. position on individual operations.

U.S. Guidance Note to MDBs

Last Updated: 12/1/2010 3:17 AM