2001 NERO Permit Holder Letters

Permit Holder Letters
By E-Mail

Northeast Regional Office
One Blackburn Drive
Gloucester, MA 01930

December 2001


2. New Bedford Scalloper Loses Federal Fishing Permits - Ordered to Pay $250,000 over VMS-detected Violations

3. Monkfish Minimum Size Limit Reminder___

4. Closure of RI Summer Flounder Fishery___

5. 2002 Specifications and Closure Notice for Summer Flounder, Scup and Black Sea Bass___

6. EA, RIR, FRFA, AND EFHA for the 2002 Specifications for Summer Flounder, Scup and Black Sea Bass___

7. Northeast Fishing Capacity Reduction Program Permit Holder Letter___

8. Northeast Fishing Capacity Reduction Program BID SUBMISSION___

November 2001

1. Adjustment to the Daily Haddock Landing Limit for Multispecies DAS Permit Vessels Effective November 6, 2001___

2. Atlantic Deep-Sea Red Crab Fishery Emergency Rule Extended for Another 180 Days___

3. Winter II Scup Fishery Closure___

4. Period 2 Spiny Dogfish Fishery Closure___

5. 2002 Summer Flounder, Scup, & Black Sea Bass Specifications; EA, RIR, Initial RFA, and EFH Assessment___

6. New York Atlantic Bluefish Fishery Closure___

October 2001

1. Status Report of Northeast Region Actions - Prepared for the October 9-10, 2001, Meeting of the Mid-Atlanric Fishery Management Council___

2. One-Day Workshop On Existing Fishery Programs That Use Electronic Monitoring & Reporting___

3. Tilefish FMP Clarification___

4. 2002 Atlantic Mackerel, Squid, & Butterfish Specifications; Draft EA, Initial RIR, Initial RFA, and EFH Assessment___

5. 2002 Surf Clams and Ocean Quahogs Specifications; Draft EA, Initial RIR, Initial RFA, and EFH Assessment___

6. Black Sea Bass Fishery Closes November 6, 2001___

7. Area 1A Atlantic Herring Catch Limit Restriction Effective November 10, 2001___

September 2001

1. NOAA Fisheries Special Agents Assist in Disaster Investigation

2. Two Conditional Multispecies Gulf of Maine Closure Areas Implemented___

3. Federal Agencies Seek Information and Comment on Atlantic Salmon Recovery

4. NOI to Prepare an EIS for the American Lobster Fishery, Request for Comments___

5. Notice of Intent to Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement for the American Lobster Fishery, Request for Comments___

6. Status Report of Northeast Region Actions - Prepared for the September 25-27, 2001, Meeting of the New England Fishery Management Council___

7. Tilefish FMP to Take Effect on November 1, 2001___

8. RA Authorizes Two Additional Trips into Sea Scallop Access Areas for 182 Eligible Full-Time & Part-Time Scallop Permit Holders___

August 2001

1. Draft Report Urges Restrictions on Ships To Protect Right Whales

2. Closure of the Commercial Red Crab Fishery___

3. Reopening of Bluefish Fishery in NC___

4. Closure of Summer Flounder Fishery in CT___

5. DOC Opens 2nd Round of Nominations for Federal Advisory Committee on MPAs___

6. Closure of Summer Flounder Fishery in MA___

7. NMFS Extends Research Proposal Deadline___

8. Attention Scallop Permit Holders - Framework 14 Correction Notice & A Modification to the Dredge Gear Stowage Provision___

July 2001

1. Tilefish Fishery Management Plan Approved___

2. Closure of the Quarter 3 Period Commercial Quota Black Sea Bass Fishery___

3. Deep Sea Red Crab - Revision to Conversion Factor___

4. Final 2001 Recreational Measures for the Summer Flounder, Scup, and Black Sea Bass Fisheries Approved___

5. EA/RIR/FRFA for the 2001 Recreational Measures for the Summer Flounder, Scup, and Black Sea Bass Fisheries___

6. 2001 Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Quotas and General Category Effort Controls___

7. Scientists Report on Status of Three Fish Stocks

June 2001

1. Proposed Federal Management of the Tilefish Fishery - Initial Dealer Application___

2. Closure of the Quarter 2 Period Commercial Quota Black Sea Bass Fishery___

3. Status Report of Northeast Region Actions - Prepared for the June 13-14, 2001, Meeting of the New England Fishery Management Council___

4. Notice of a Second Control Date for the Black Sea Bass Fishery___

5. Closure of the Period 1 Commercial Quota Spiny Dogfish Fishery___

6. Notification to Vessel Owners Informing Them of a Limited Opportunity to Apply for Specific Limited Access Permits___

7. Commerce Secretary Evans Announces 2001 Ocean Fishery Council Appointments

May 2001

1. Attention Occasional Scallop Permit Holders - Framework 14 Correction Notice___

2. Status Report of Northeast Region Actions - Prepared for the May 2-3, 2001, Meeting of the New England Fishery Management Council___

3. 2001 Spiny Dogfish Commercial Quotas & Possession Limits___

4. EA/RIR/FRFA/EFHA for the 2001-2002 Spiny Dogfish Specifications ___

5. Atlantic Deep-Sea Red Crab Emergency Rule Approved___

6. Status Report of Northeast Region Actions - Prepared for the May 8-10, 2001, Meeting of the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council___

7. North Carolina Atlantic Bluefish Closure___

8. Summer Flounder Commercial Quota Fishery Closed in Maine and Delaware___

9. NOAA Announces Temporary Whale Protection Zone in Wilkinson Basin___

10. Closure of the Quarter II Directed Loligo Squid Fishery___

11. Closure of the Summer Period Commercial Quota Scup Fishery___

12. Notification to Vessel Owners That Their Atlantic Herring Category 1 Permit Was Voided Due to Lack of VMS Installation.___

13. EA/RIR/IRFA for the 2001 Summer Flounder, Scup, & Black Sea Bass Recreational Specifications___

14. Possible Revisions to the Federal American Lobster Regulations___

April 2001

1. Voluntary Fishing Capacity Reduction Program in the Northeast Multispecies Fishery___

2. Lobster Trap Tag Program Information and Instructions 2001-2002 Fishing Year___

3. Summer Flounder Fishery to Remain Open___

4. Framework 14 to the Atlantic Sea Scallop FMP Approved___

March 2001

1. 2001 Final Initial Specifications for the Atlantic Mackerel, Squid, and Butterfish Fisheries

2. EA/RIR/FRFA/EFHA for the 2001 Specifications for the Atlantic Mackerel, Squid, and Butterfish Fisheries ___

3. Atlantic Herring Vessels Fishing with Mid-water Trawl or Purse Seine Gear___

4. New American Lobster / Black Sea Bass Management Area 5 Gear Waiver Permit___

5. 2001 TAC Levels for the Northeast Multispecies & Monkfish Fisheries___

6. Final 2001 Specifications for the Summer Flounder Fishery___

7. EA/RIR/FRFA/EFHA for the 2001 Specifications for Summer Flounder___

8. EA/RIR/IRFA/EFHA for the 2001 Specifications for Spiny Dogfish___

9. Status Report of Northeast Region Actions - Prepared for the March 14-15, 2001, Meeting of the New England Fishery Management Council___

10. Status Report of Northeast Region Actions - Prepared for the March 20-22, 2001, Meeting of the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council___

February 2001

1. Final 2001 Specifications for Surf Clams, Ocean Quahogs and Maine Mahogany Quahogs

2. RIR/FRFA for the 2001 Specifications for Surf Clams, Ocean Quahogs and Maine Mahogany Quahogs___

3. Closure of Hudson Canyon South & Virginia Beach Scallop Closed Areas Extended through March 1, 2001___

4. EA/RIR/FRFA/EFHA for the Interim Action to Extend the Mid-Atlantic Sea Scallop Closed Areas___

5. 2001 Specifications & Closure Notice for Scup and Black Sea Bass___

6. VMS Requirements in the Atlantic Herring Fishery Delayed Until May 11, 2001.___

7. EA/RIR/FRFA/EFHA for the 2001 Specifications for Scup & Black Sea Bass___

January 2001

1. DRAFT EA & RIR for Framework Adjustment 1 to the Atlantic Mackerel, Squid, & Butterfish; Summer Flounder, Scup, & Black Sea Bass; Bluefish; & Tilefish FMP�s (Quota Set-Aside for Research)___

2. EA & RIR for Framework Adjustment 2 to the Summer Flounder, Scup, & Black Sea Bass FMP ___

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