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Applicants must meet all applicable eligibility requirements, including those described below, as well as those set forth in the Energy Policy Act of 2005, the Final Rule (10 CFR 609, dated October 23, 2007, as amended on December 4, 2009, and May 21, 2012), and the relevant solicitation.  Applicants are also responsible for payment of fees.

To be eligible for a Title XVII loan guarantee, a project must meet all of the following requirements:

  • Be an “Eligible Project” as defined in an open solicitation in the technology area described therein.
  • Employ new or significantly improved technologies as compared to commercial technologies in services in the United States at the time the guarantee is issued.
  • Avoid, reduce, or sequester anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases.
  • Be located in the United States (foreign ownership or sponsorship of the projects is permissible as long as the projects is located in one of the fifty states, the District of Columbia, or a U.S. territory).
  • Provide a reasonable prospect of repayment.

In addition, applicants must be able to demonstrate that it has sufficient funds to carry out the project and is not benefitting from certain other federal support as more fully described in the applicable solicitation.