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Gang Units in Large Local Law Enforcement Agencies, 2007 Presents data from the first nationwide study of specialized police units dedicated solely to addressing gang activity.
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Aviation Units in Large Law Enforcement Agencies, 2007 Examines the specialized airborne police units that operate fixed-wing planes or helicopters in large state and local law enforcement agencies.
  Press Release | PDF (433K) | ASCII file (28K) | Spreadsheet

Law enforcement agencies with 100 or more sworn personnel and aviation units, by agency type and size, 2007 Table 1 from Aviation Units in Large Law Enforcement Agencies, 2007 Special Report
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Law Enforcement aviation unit personnel, by position title, 2007 Table 11 from Aviation Unit in Large Law Enforcement Agencies, 2007 Special Report
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Characteristics of Suspected Human Trafficking Incidents, 2007-08 "More than 1,200 alleged incidents of human trafficking reported in the U.S."
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Characteristics of Suspected Human Trafficking Incidents, 2007-08 Presents preliminary findings from the Human Trafficking Reporting System (HTRS) on alleged incidents of human trafficking reported by 38 federally funded task forces.
  Press Release | PDF (189K) | ASCII file (34K) | Spreadsheet (Zip format 14K)
Part of the Characteristics of Suspected Human Trafficking Incidents Series

Electronic Fund Transfer Systems Fraud: Computer Crime This 1982-1983 study assessed the nature and extent of automatic teller (ATM) and electronic fund transfer (EFT) fraud in a panel survey of 16 Association of Reserve City banks.

Telephone Contacts '85 This directory lists the telephone numbers for the administrators and the subject area specialists at the Bureau of Justice Statistics.