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Region II

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Regional Administrator: Catherine Haney
Deputy Regional Administrator for Operations: Leonard Wert

Executes established NRC policies and assigned programs relating to inspection, licensing, enforcement, investigation, governmental liaison, and emergency response within regional boundaries.

Deputy Regional Administrator for Construction: Laura Dudes

Executes established NRC policies and assigned programs relating to inspection, licensing, enforcement, investigation, and governmental liaison for construction inspection program activities for reactors and fuel cycle facilities, nationwide.

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Public Affairs Staff

Sr. Public Affairs Officer: Roger Hanah
Field Public Affairs Officer: Joseph Ledford

Implements NRC policies and programs for public affairs in the Region.

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Regional Counsel

Sarah Price

Advises the regional administrator on legal issues.

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Regional State Liaison Officer

John Pelchat

Coordinates and carries out communication between NRC and the States and appropriate local governments within the Region regarding the regulation of nuclear materials and facilities.

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Enforcement and Investigations Coordination Staff

Enforcement Officer: Mark Kowal

Implements enforcement policy in the Region and coordinates allegation and investigation activities.

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Division of Reactor Projects

Director: Joel Munday
Deputy Director: Mark Franke

Implements and coordinates the inspection of all reactors and related project management activities. Supervises and directs the resident inspection staff at each reactor facility and coordinates site inspection activities with the Division of Reactor Safety. The span of activities includes, but is not limited to, routine, special, and reactive inspections; enforcement; assessment; allegation follow-up; and the recruiting and training of staff. Coordinates with the Project Division of the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation.

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Reactor Projects Branches 1-7

Plans, directs and coordinates the inspection activities and related project management functions at assigned reactor facilities. Supervises and trains staff, including resident inspectors. Performs assessment of power reactor facilities, which includes baseline and supplemental inspections, enforcement assessment, allegation follow-up, and the recruiting and training of staff. Coordinates inspection activities with the Division of Reactor Safety and the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation. Acts as liaison with the Project Division counterpart in the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation.

Reactor Projects Branch 1

Chief: Frank Ehrhardt

Projects Branch description

Reactor Projects Branch 2

Chief: Shane Sandal

Projects Branch description

Reactor Projects Branch 3

Chief: LaDonna Suggs

Projects Branch description

Reactor Projects Branch 4

Chief: Steven Rose

Projects Branch description

Reactor Projects Branch 5

Chief: Anthony Masters

Projects Branch description

Reactor Projects Branch 6

Chief: Alan Blamey

Projects Branch description

Reactor Projects Branch 7

Chief: (Vacant)

Projects Branch description

Division of Reactor Safety

Director: Anthony Gody
Deputy Director: Mark Miller

Implements the NRC's Reactor Oversight Program in the areas of engineering, maintenance, radiological controls, emergency preparedness, security, and operator license requalification. Implements the NRC operator license examination program; the fuel facilities security inspection program; the license renewal inspection program; the independent spent fuel storage installation inspections program. Provides specialized technical support. Reviews license changes to emergency preparedness and security plans. Coordinates with the technical Divisions in the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, the Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response, and the Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards.

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Engineering Branch 1

Chief: Jonathan Bartley

Inspects reactor licensee activities in the area of engineering. Provides technical expertise and support in the engineering areas of design, modifications and evaluations of changes, tests and experiments. Conducts Region-based baseline and supplemental engineering inspections.

Engineering Branch 2

Chief: Scott Shaeffer

Inspects reactor licensee and fuel facility activities in the areas of fire protection and problem identification and resolution. Provides technical expertise and support in the fire protection area and risk analysis. Conducts Region-based baseline and supplemental fire protection inspections and problem identification and resolution inspections.

Engineering Branch 3

Chief: Shakur Walker

Inspects reactor licensee activities in the areas of inservice inspection program, maintenance rule implementation, and heat sink performance. Provides technical expertise and support for the license renewal inspection program; the reactor and fuel facility construction programs; and independent spent fuel storage installation inspection program. Conducts Region-based baseline and supplemental maintenance inspections

Plant Support Branch 1

Chief: Brian Bonser

Inspects reactor licensee activities in the areas of health physics, environmental and effluent monitoring and controls, and emergency preparedness. Provides technical expertise and support for the radiation protection and emergency preparedness programs. Conducts Region-based baseline and supplemental radiation protection and emergency preparedness inspections.

Plant Support Branch 2

Chief: Binoy Desai

Inspects reactor licensee and fuel facility activities in the area of security. Provides technical expertise and support for the security safeguards programs. Conducts Region-based baseline and supplemental security inspections at reactor and fuel facilities.

Operations Branch1

Chief: Gerald McCoy

Administers the operator licensing program by conducting operator requalification training inspections, and operator licensing examinations. Provides technical expertise and support for the operator licensing program. Conducts Region-based baseline and supplemental operator licensing program inspections.

Operations Branch2

Chief: Eugene Guthrie

Administers the operator licensing program by conducting operator requalification training inspections, and operator licensing examinations. Provides technical expertise and support for the operator licensing program. Conducts Region-based baseline and supplemental operator licensing program inspections.

Division of Fuel Facility Inspection

Director: Mark Lesser
Deputy Director: Carolyn Evans

Implements and coordinates the inspection of all Fuel Facilities in the United States and related project management activities.  Supervises and directs the fuel facilities inspection staff including resident inspection staff at selected fuel facilities.  The span of activities includes, but is not limited to, core, regional initiative, and reactive inspections; emergency preparedness and response; enforcement; assessment; allegation follow-up; and the recruiting and training of staff.  Coordinates activities with the Division of Reactor Safety, the Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response and the Office of Nuclear Materials Safety and Safeguards.

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Projects Branch 1

Chief: Marvin Sykes

Plans, directs and coordinates the inspection activities and related project management functions at assigned fuel facilities.  Supervises, recruits, develops and maintains technical expertise in Operations, Integrated Safety Analysis and Information Security.  Performs inspections and assessment of fuel facilities, which includes core, regional initiative and reactive inspections, enforcement, assessment, and allegation follow-up.  Coordinates inspection activities and transition of Information Security Inspection program within the Division as well as with the Division of Reactor Safety, the Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response (NSIR) and the Office of Nuclear Materials Safety and Safeguards (NMSS).  Supports the Region II Incident Response Program as well as NMSS and NSIR guidance development for fuel facilities.

Projects Branch 2

Chief: Eric Michel

Plans, directs and coordinates the inspection activities and related project management functions at assigned fuel facilities.  Supervises, recruits, develops and maintains technical expertise in Operations, Integrated Safety Analysis and Fire Protection.  Performs inspections and assessment of fuel facilities, which includes core, regional initiative and reactive inspections, enforcement, assessment, and allegation follow-up.  Coordinates inspection activities within the Division as well as with the Division of Reactor Safety, the Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response (NSIR) and the Office of Nuclear Materials Safety and Safeguards (NMSS).  Supports the Region II Incident Response Program as well as NMSS and NSIR guidance development for fuel facilities.

Safety Branch

Chief: Omar Lopez-Santiago

Implements and coordinates fuel facility inspection in the areas of Criticality Safety, Material Control and Accountability, Engineering, Emergency Planning, Health Physics, Environmental and Transportation.  Recruits, develops and maintain technical expertise in these specialty areas.  Provides the program management, inspection program oversight and assessment for the assigned technical disciplines and implements enforcement, assessment and allegation follow-up in connection with technical program areas.  Coordinates inspection activities and transition of the Criticality Safety and Material Control and Accountability inspection programs within the Division as well as with the Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response (NSIR) and the Office of Nuclear Materials Safety and Safeguards (NMSS).  Supports the Region II incident Response Program as well as NMSS and NSIR guidance development for fuel facilities.

Division of Resource Management and Administration

Director: Glenn Trent
Deputy Director: (Vacant)

Performs administrative functions in human resource management, contract administration, budget and fiscal management, ADP services, space and property management, telecommunications, and general administrative services, including license fee management and FOIA processing.

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Human Resources Branch

Chief: Gloria Reeves

Provides and coordinates regional human resource services, including training, staffing, employee benefits, and labor relations.

Information Resources Branch

Chief: Jose Diaz-Velez

Provides regional information support services, including computer operations, telecommunications, mail, and records file management, including FOIA. Computer services include application/system development, end user support, LAN administration, integration of headquarters and regional systems, office automation, and equipment and software analysis. Telecommunications include both voice and data communication.

Financial Management Branch

Chief: Clinton McGill

Performs budgeting, accounting, management analysis, travel, contract administration, purchasing, procurement of goods and services. Performs facility management functions, security, property management, and space planning.

Division of Construction Oversight

Director: William Jones
Deputy Director: (Vacant)

Responsible for inspection and technical evaluation of all NRC regulated areas associated with new construction of commercial nuclear facilities. Responsible for project management activities for these facilities and oversight of the associated inspection program. Acts as the focal point for coordination with headquarters program offices in the new construction area.

Construction Inspection Branch 1

Chief: Jamie Heisserer

Responsible for evaluation and inspection of VogUe Units 3 and 4 construction. Provides program management, scheduling and coordination, and inspection program oversight for the assigned site. Focal point for coordination with headquarters program offices for the assigned new reactor construction site. Responsible for the conduct of technical inspections at the assigned site including the resident inspector program and routine site activities, e.g., allegations and enforcement. Leads licensee performance reviews of the assigned site. Coordinates and manages allegations for all of the new construction sites. Provides inspection program infrastructure management, inspection tracking and data management, and responsible for contractor oversight. Provides support for guidance/development for new construction.

Construction Inspection Branch 2

Chief: Randall Musser

Provides the inspection technical expertise for new construction sites in the areas of mechanical engineering and digital instrumentation and controls. Provides inspection program oversight and implements the construction inspection program, to include allegations, for the assigned technical disciplines and proposes and supports enforcement actions associated with their technical inspections conducted at new construction sites. Provides input to licensee performance reviews in their specific areas of expertise. Provides support for guidance/development in their technical discipline.

Construction Inspection Branch 3

Chief: Michael Ernstes

Responsible for evaluation and inspection of V.C. Summer Units 2 and 3, the MOX fuel fabrication facility, and future construction at the Shine Molybdenum-99 production facility and URENCO USA (Louisiana Energy Services) National Enrichment Facility. Provides program management, scheduling and coordination, and inspection program oversight for the assigned sites. Focal point for coordination with headquarters program offices for the assigned fuel facility construction and new reactor construction sites. Responsible for the conduct of technical inspections at the assigned sites including the resident inspector program and routine site activities, e.g., allegations and enforcement. Leads licensee performance reviews of the assigned sites. Provides support for guidance/development for new construction

Construction Inspection Branch 4

Chief: Rebecca Nease

Provides the inspection technical expertise for new construction sites in the areas of civil and structural engineering and electrical engineering. The branch provides inspection program oversight and implements the construction inspection program, to include allegations, for their assigned technical disciplines and proposes and supports enforcement actions associated with their technical inspections conducted at new construction sites. Provides input
to licensee performance reviews in their specific areas of expertise. Provides support for guidance/development in their technical discipline.

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Page Last Reviewed/Updated Wednesday, October 19, 2016