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Office of Public Affairs

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Office of Public Affairs

Director: Eliot Brenner
Senior Level Advisor: Holly Harrington
Public Affairs Officers: Scott Burnell, David McIntyre, Ivonne Couret, Maureen Conley
Public Affairs Specialist: Stephanie West
Telephone: 301-415-8200
Email: OPA.Resource@nrc.gov

The Office of Public Affairs (OPA) assists the Chairman in carrying out his responsibilities as principal spokesperson for the NRC. OPA manages and directs the agency's public affairs program, providing advice to agency officials and developing key strategies that contribute to increasing public confidence. This includes keeping top management informed of public interest in and news coverage of NRC's regulatory activities as well as providing timely, clear, and accurate information on NRC activities to the public and the media through news releases, fact sheets, brochures, interviews, Web postings, and social media.

There are public affairs officers (PAOs) in NRC Headquarters (listed above) who generally handle public and media relations with regard to agency policy, programs, and generic issues, while PAOs in each NRC Region (listed below) handle public affairs activities involving mostly licensed nuclear facilities in their regions.

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OPA Field Office Region I (Philadelphia)

Sr. Public Affairs Officer: Diane Screnci - 610-337-5330
Public Affairs Officer: Neil Sheehan - 610-337-5331
Email: OPA1.Resource@nrc.gov

OPA Field Office Region II (Atlanta)

Sr. Public Affairs Officer: Roger Hannah - 404-997-4417
Public Affairs Officer: Joey Ledford - 404-997-4416
Email: OPA2.Resource@nrc.gov

OPA Field Office Region III (Chicago)

Sr. Public Affairs Officer: Viktoria Mitlyng - 630-829-9662
Public Affairs Officer: Prema Chandrathil - 630-829-9663

OPA Field Office Region IV (Dallas)

Sr. Public Affairs Officer: Victor Dricks - 817-200-1128
Public Affairs Officer: Lara Uselding - 817-200-1519
Email: OPA4.Resource@nrc.gov

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Page Last Reviewed/Updated Monday, December 17, 2012