Creativity Connects

As part of the NEA’s 50th anniversary, the agency launched the leadership initiative Creativity Connects*. This initiative shows how the arts contribute to the nation’s creative ecosystem, examines the ways in which the support systems for artists are changing, and explores how the arts can connect with other sectors that want and utilize creativity.

Creativity Connects has three components:

  • Creativity Connects: Trends and Conditions Affecting U.S. Artists is a report that investigates the current conditions for artists and trends affecting their ability to create work and contribute to their communities. Download the report and learn about process of creating it (including roundtables and blog essays).
  • Art Works: Creativity Connects is a pilot grant opportunity to support partnerships between arts organizations and organizations from non-arts sectors. Please see the grant guidelines for complete information.
  • The interactive digital graphic below that examines how the arts connect to the nation’s creative ecosystem. The arts sector embodies creativity, but there are other sectors that also partner with artists or use arts-based creativity: sectors such as science, technology start-ups, business schools, and many more. Learn about “bright spots”—successful projects across the country where arts and non-arts collaborators work to further common goals. Click on a non-arts sector and the arts sector(s) associated with it to learn how the arts enhance creative efforts across our society. To help us expand this resource, please contribute  additional examples of arts and non-arts sector collaborations.

*Creativity Connects™ is used with permission from Crayola, LLC.

Select an arts sector to view bright spots. Or switch to view by non-arts sector.