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Los Alamos National Laboratory

Los Alamos National Laboratory

Delivering science and technology to protect our nation and promote world stability

Environmental Outreach

Our vision is to operate a proactive and interactive environmental communication and public involvement program that is inclusive and responsive to communities, tribes, agencies, and federal and state governments.
May 30, 2012
An example of environmental outreach at LANL

Interested citizens examine a storm water monitoring station in DP Canyon.


  • Environmental Communication & Public Involvement
  • P.O. Box 1663 MS M996
  • Los Alamos, NM 87545
  • (505) 667-0216
  • Email
We keep the public informed about the state of the environment at LANL.

Environmental outreach: get involved

We draw guidance on environmental practices from all stakeholders as we increase public knowledge of environmental cleanup methodology and stewardship practices, and keep the public informed about the state of the environment at LANL.

Your involvement is both wanted and required. Participate in the following activities:

  • Become familiar with the Los Alamos site, its cleanup and stewardship programs, current environmental issues, and our long-term environmental stewardship sustainability strategy.
  • Attend meetings listed on our calendar to provide input on the subject matter.
  • Join the Northern New Mexico Citizen's Advisory Board, charted by the Department of Energy to study environmental cleanup at LANL and to make recommendations directly to the Department of Energy for improvements.
  • Visit our Public Reading Room and study our environmental investigations and reports.
  • Read environmental cleanup documents completed after each stage of clean up during completion of the mutually agreed upon "Compliance Order on Consent" with the state of New Mexico.
  • Request a presentation on an environmental topic for your organization, company or civic group. Topics could include:
    • air quality
    • environmental monitoring
    • groundwater protection
    • remediation of particular sites

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