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Federal Deposit
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Each depositor insured to at least $250,000 per insured bank

Dodd-Frank Act Resolution Authority News & Information

FDIC Chairman Gruenberg presents a Progress Report on the Resolution of Systemically Important Financial Institutions.

The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act provides a framework for the orderly failure of a large, complex, systemically important financial institution.  The FDIC has an important role in developing and implementing that framework.

Bankruptcy is the statutory first option.  The largest bank holding companies and designated non-bank financial companies are required to submit resolution plans, also referred to as “living wills,” to the FDIC and the Federal Reserve.  These living wills must demonstrate that the firm could be resolved under bankruptcy without severe adverse consequences for the financial system or the U.S. economy.

As a backstop, when an orderly bankruptcy might not be possible, the Dodd-Frank Act provides the Orderly Liquidation Authority.  This public resolution authority allows the FDIC to manage the orderly failure of a large financial firm.

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