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"Approach path is clear, thanks NGS"

The National Geodetic Survey (NGS), in accordance with a series of interagency agreements with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), provides airport geodetic control, runway, navigational aid, obstruction, and other aeronautical data that is critical to the operation of the National Airspace System. Most of this data is source information obtained using field survey and photogrammetric methods. This data is used to develop runway approach procedures and obstruction charts. 
  • The DOLE (Dates of Latest Editions) is a tabulation of published Airport Obstruction Charts (AOC's), listed alphabetically by state, then associated city, then airport name. Also listed are FAA identifier, AOC Number, edition number and AOC publication date.
  • The Area Navigation Approach (ANA) Obstruction Survey Index   is a tabulation of published ANA Obstruction Survey projects, listed alphabetically by state, associated city, and airport name.  Also listed are: FAA identifier, AL (or AOC) number, published date and approaches surveyed.
Airports with NGS established PACS and SACS
  • PACS and SACS are a control station established in the vicinity of an airport and tied directly to the National Spatial Reference System. This control consists of permanent marks with precisely determined latitudes, longitudes and elevations. PACS and SACS are designated by the National Geodetic Survey and must meet the specific siting, construction, and accuracy requirements.
  • The ASP Airport Photo Gallery contains 100 dpi scanned images of airport photo center shots acquired at airports throughout the United States in recent years.
  • NGS Survey Tracking Report provides the current status of each airport selected by the FAA for an Area Navigation Approach (ANA) survey or a FAR 77 Obstruction Charting survey.
  • FAA No. 405, Standards for Aeronautical Surveys and Related Products, 4th ed. (September 1996) is available in Adobe Portable Document Format (.pdf).  The Change 1 to FAA No. 405 is also available.  Go To FAA No. 405 Page.
  • Instructions for Contract Survey Work:
    The General Guidance And Specifications For Aeronautical Surveys, Vol. A, Establishment Of Geodetic Control And Submission To The National Geodetic Survey; Final Draft (September, 2004) is available in Adobe (.pdf) format and MicroSoft Word format. Go To Establishment of Geodetic Control on Airports Page.
  • NGS manual Runway End, Stopway End, and Displaced Threshold Identification for Surveyors,1st. ed. (January 1998) is available in Adobe (.pdf) format. Go To Runway Manual Page.
  • The NOS Data Explorer provides a map interface that retrieves a subset of NGS's control point datasheets and aerial photography in addition to many other National Ocean Services (NOS) products.
  • ADS - Aeronautical Data Sheet (NGS Form 292) - includes virtually all aeronautical data NGS acquires for airports.
  • AIRPORT OBSTRUCTION CHARTS a 1:12,000 scale graphic depicting Federal Aviation Regulations Part 77 surfaces , a representation of objects that penetrate these surfaces, runway, taxiway, and apron areas; navigational aids, prominent airport buildings, and other planimetric detail in the airport vicinity.

Email the Aeronautical Data Coordinator: uddf @
Website Manager: Mark Howard