USAP Collaboration
U.S. Antarctic Program - Collaboration Section United States Antarctic Program United States Antarctic Program Logo National Science Foundation Logo
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The USAP collaboration site provides a shared area for common access to information and collaboration processes of importance to USAP program participants. It implements the concepts of automated work flow to provide a tool for anytime, anywhere.

The site supports the following USAP communities:

  • Operational support personnel (permanent and seasonal, and government and contractor)
  • Scientists with active NSF/OPP research grants
  • Tenant organizations, guests and visitors, including those authorized by the NSF to deploy to Antarctica for task-specific purposes
  • Select international collaborators for program operations and active science research programs
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Collaboration Categories

The site facilitates the following collborative efforts:

  • Team-oriented planning and coordination management
  • Project management collaboration for spatially and temporally dispersed team members
  • Maintenance of a common information repository for task specific activities
  • Maintenance of a general library of information of broad interest or importance to the USAP participant community
  • Communication of general information of interest to a specific niche participant community regarding operational status, plans, requirements, and feedback

For further examples of content, see the Collaboration Categories page.

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Station Collaboration Links

Process, project, and sustaining information is listed according to the associated USAP station, research vessels, or activity. Entry into each area is password-protected. If you are a program participant and posting or reviewing collaboration information is relevant to your business processes, send an email to to gain access.

McMurdo Station Collaboration protected area
South Pole Station Collaboration protected area
Palmer Station Collaboration protected area

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Feedback on the collaboration site and the USAP web portal is welcomed. Tell us what you think and how the site or the portal in general can be improved and made more useful by sending comments to Web Support.

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Curator: Jeffrey Scharf, Antarctic Support Contract   |   NSF Official: Paul Sheppard, Office of Polar Programs