Public Engagement

 Public Engagement

What’s New?

BOEM hosted an Atlantic Ocean Energy and Mineral Science Forum on November 16-17 where participants heard updates about ongoing and recently completed studies funded by BOEM in the Atlantic region in support of the Renewable Energy, Marine Minerals, and Conventional Energy Programs. The forum also sought input from the public on identifying potential future study ideas.

Presentations and session summaries will be made available online in early 2017.


The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) sees public input as a critical component of the safe and responsible exploration and development of offshore resources. Public engagement and comment is solicited in our environmental review and regulatory programs for both oil and gas, and renewable energy proposals.

In addition to accepting public comments online, BOEM interacts with stakeholders and partners in state, local and tribal governments through task force meetings and small community meetings on specific issues. We also publish an online newsletter and informative notes for stakeholders.

Visit the following links to find out how BOEM serves the public with outreach and tools for public engagement.