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Temporary Instruction

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Area Chapter Title CN Number Word
TI 2500/16 Inspection to Determine if a Potential Seismic Interaction Exists Between the Movable In-Core Flux Mapping System and Seal Table at Westinghouse Designed Facilities or Facilities with Similar Designs 09-015  
TI 2500/19 Inspection of Licensee’s Actions Taken to Implement Unresolved Safety Issue A-26: Reactor Vessel Pressure Transient Protection for Pressurized Water Reactors 09-015  
TI 2500/26 Inspection Requirements for NRC Compliance Bulletin 87-02, Fastener Testing to Determine Conformance with Applicable Material Specifications 09-025  
TI 2500/27 Inspection Requirements for NRC Compliance Bulletin 87-02, Fastener Testing to Determine Conformance with Applicable Material Specifications 09-025  
TI 2500/20, Rev. 2 Inspection To Determine Compliance with ATWS Rule, 10 CFR 50.62 09-015 .doc
TI 2512/007 Trial Program - Construction Assessment Team Inspections 08-004  
TI 2512/007, Rev 2 Regional Construction Assessment Team Inspections 08-004  
TI 2512/015 Inspection of Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Employee Concerns Program 08-004  
TI 2512/016 Inspection of Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Cable Issues Corrective Action Program Plan 08-004  
TI 2512/017 Inspection of Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Cable Tray and Supports Corrective Action Program Plan 08-004  
TI 2512/018 Inspection of Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Electrical Conduit and Supports Corrective Action Program Plan 08-004  
TI 2512/019 Inspection of Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Design Baseline Corrective Action Program Plan 08-004  
TI 2512/020 Inspection of Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Electrical Issues Corrective Action Program Plan 08-004  
TI 2512/021 Inspection of Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Equipment Seismic Corrective Action Program Plan 08-004  
TI 2512/022 Inspection of Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Fire Protection Corrective Action Program Plan 08-004  
TI 2512/023 Inspection of Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Hanger Update Corrective Action Program Plan 08-004  
TI 2512/024 Inspection of Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Heat Code Traceability Corrective Action Program Plan 08-004  
TI 2512/025 Inspection of Watts Bar Nuclear Plant HVAC Duct and Supports Corrective Action Program Plan 08-004  
TI 2512/026 Inspection of Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Instrument Lines Corrective Action Program Plan 08-004  
TI 2512/027 Inspection of Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Piece Parts/Procurement Corrective Action Program Plan 08-004  
TI 2512/028 Inspection of Watts Bar Nuclear Plant QA Records Corrective Action Program Plan 08-004  
TI 2512/029 Inspection of Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Q-List Corrective Action Program Plan 08-004  
TI 2512/030 Inspection of Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Seismic Analysis Corrective Action Program Plan 08-004  
TI 2512/031 Inspection of Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Vendor Information Corrective Action Program Plan 08-004  
TI 2512/032 Inspection of Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Welding Corrective Action Program Plan 08-004  
TI 2512/033 Inspection of Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Concrete Quality Special Program 08-004  
TI 2512/034 Inspection of Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Containment Cooling Special Program 08-004  
TI 2512/035 Inspection of Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Control Room Design Review Special Program 08-004  
TI 2512/036 Inspection of Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Environmental Qualification Special Program 08-004  
TI 2512/037 Inspection of Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Master Fuse List Special Program 08-004  
TI 2512/038 Inspection of Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Mechanical Equipment Qualification Special Program 08-004  
TI 2512/039 Inspection of Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Microbe Induced Corrosion Special Program 08-004  
TI 2512/040 Inspection of Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Moderate Energy Line Break Special Program 08-004  
TI 2512/041 Inspection of Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Radiation Monitoring System Special Program 08-004  
TI 2512/042 Inspection of Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Soil Liquefaction Special Program 08-004  
TI 2512/043 Inspection of Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Use-As-Is CAQRS Special Program 08-004  
TI 2515/28 Inspection Requirements to Review Licensee Actions Taken in Response to IE Bulletin 79-02, Revision No. 1 09-015  
TI 2515/29 Inspection Requirements for IEB 79-14 09-015  
TI 2515/30 Inspection Requirements To Review PWR Licensee Actions Taken in Response to IE Bulletin No. 79-21 09-015  
TI 2515/37 Inspection Requirements To Review Licensee Actions Taken in Response to IE Bulletin 80-11, Masonry Wall Design 09-015  
TI 2515/64, Revision 1 Near-Term Inspection Followup to Generic Letter 83-28 09-015  
TI 2515/65, Revision 2 TMI Action Plan Requirement Followup 09-015  
TI 2515/66 Inspection Requirements for IE Bulletin 84-03, "Refueling Cavity Water Seals" 09-015  
TI 2515/69 Inspection of Response to IE Bulletin 85-01 09-015  
TI 2515/71 Inspection of Licensees’ Actions in Response to IE Bulletin 82-02 09-015  
TI 2515/72 Inspection of Response to IE Bulletin 85-02 09-015  
TI 2515/87 Inspection of Licensee’s Implementation of Multiplant Action A-17: Instrumentation for Nuclear Power Plants To Access Plant and Environs Conditions During and Following an Accident (Regulatory Guide 1.97) 09-015  
TI 2515/88 Inspection of Licensee’s Actions Taken to Implement NRC Guidelines for Protection from Flooding of Equipment Important to Safety 09-015  
TI 2515/91 Inspection Followup to Generic Letter 83-28, Item 4.1 09-015  
TI 2515/101 Loss of Decay Heat Removal (Generic Letter No. 88-17) 10 CFR 50.54(f) 09-015  
TI 2515/103 Loss of Decay Heat Removal (Generic Letter No. 88-17) 10 CFR 50.54(f) – Programmed Enhancements (Long Term) Review 09-015  
TI 2515/105 Inspection of Licensee Activities in Reference to NRC Bulletin 88-04 – Potential Safety-Related Pump Loss 09-015  
TI 2515/107 Electrical Distribution System Functional Inspection (EDSFI) 09-015  
TI 2515/109, Revision 4 Inspection Requirements for Generic Letter 89-10, Safety-Related Motor-Operated Valve Testing and Surveillance 09-015 .doc
TI 2515/110, Revision 1 Performance of Safety‑Related Check Valves 09-015 .doc
TI 2515/111 Electrical Distribution System Followup Inspection 09-015 .doc
TI 2515/113 Reliable Decay Heat Removal During Outages 09-015  
TI 2515/114 Inspection Requirements for Generic Letter 89-04, Acceptable Inservice Testing Programs 09-015  
TI 2515/118, Revision 2 Service Water System Operational Performance Inspection (SWSOPI) 09-015  
TI 2515/120 Inspection of Implementation of Station Blackout Rule Multi-plant Action Item A-22 09-015  
TI 2515/139 Inspection of Licensee’s Implementation of Generic Letter 96-01 - Testing of Safety Related Logic Circuits 09-015  
TI 2515/140 Periodic Verification of  Design-Basis Capability of Safety-Related Motor-Operated Valves (GL 96-05) 09-015  
TI 2515/142 Draindown During Shutdown and Common-Mode Failure (NRC Generic Letter 98-02) 09-015 .doc
TI 2515/145 Circumferential Cracking of Reactor Pressure Vessel Head Penetration Nozzles (NRC Bulletin 2001-01) 09-015 .doc
TI 2515/150, Revision 3 Reactor Pressure Vessel Head and Vessel Head Penetration Nozzles (NRC Order EA-03-009) 05-006 .doc
TI 2515/152, Revision 1 Reactor Pressure Vessel Lower Head Penetration Nozzles (NRC Bulletin 2003-02) 09-015 .doc
TI 2515/153, Revision 1 Reactor Containment Sump Blockage (NRC Bulletin 2003-01) 09-015 .doc
TI 2515/160 Pressurizer Penetration Nozzles and Steam Space Piping Connections in U.S. Pressurized Water Reactors (NRC Bulletin 2004-01) 09-015 .doc
TI 2515/165 Operational Readiness of Offsite Power and Impact on Plant Risk 09-025 .doc
TI 2515/166, Revision 1 Pressurized Water Reactor Containment Sump Blockage (NRC Generic Letter 2004-02) 07-016 .doc
TI 2515/172, Revision 1 Reactor Coolant System Dissimilar Metal Butt Welds 10-014 .doc
TI 2515/173, Revision 1 Review of the Implementation of the Industry Ground Water Protection Voluntary Initiative 08-031 .doc
TI 2515/174 Hydrogen Igniter Backup Power Verification 08-007 .doc
TI 2515/175 Emergency Response Organization, Drill/Exercise Performance Indicator, Program Review 08-017 .doc
TI 2515/176 Emergency Diesel Generator Technical Specification Surveillance Requirements Regarding Endurance and Margin Testing 08-015 .doc
TI 2515/177,
Revision 1
Managing Gas Accumulation in Emergency Core Cooling, Decay Heat Removal, and Containment Spray Systems (NRC Generic Letter 2008-01) 10-009 .doc
TI 2515/178 Risk Management Technical Specifications Initiative 5b Surveillance Frequency Control Program 09-013 .doc
TI 2515/179, Revision 1 Verification of Licensee Responses to NRC Requirement for Inventories of Materials Tracked in the National Source Tracking System Pursuant to Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 20.2207 (10 CFR 20.2207) 10-014 .doc
TI 2515/181 Validate the Effectiveness of the Regulatory Infrastructure Related to Fire-Induced Circuit Failures and Operator Manual Actions 10-011 .doc
TI 2515/182 Review of the Implementation of the Industry Initiative to Control Degradation of Underground Piping and Tanks 11-036 .docx
TI 2515/185,
Revision 1
Followup to the Review of the Implementation of the Industry Ground Water Protection Voluntary Initiative  11-041 .docx
TI 2515/185 Follow-up on the Industry’s Ground Water Protection Initiative 11-038 .doc
TI 2515/186 Inspection of Procedures and Processes for Responding to Potential Aircraft Threats 12-019 .docx
TI 2515/187 Inspection of Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.3 Flooding Walkdowns - Effective 07/01/2012 12-011 .docx
TI 2515/188 Inspection of Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.3 Seismic Walkdowns 12-013 .doc
TI 2516/001 Review of License Renewal Activities 11-004 .doc
TI 2800/030 Verification of the Status of Devices Authorized For Use Under a General License 00-011
TI 2800/037 Safety Procedures For Panoramic Irradiators 05-019 .doc
TI 2800/039 Verification of Licensee Responses to NRC Requirement for Inventories of Materials Tracked in the National Source Tracking System Pursuant to Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 20.2207 (10 CFR 20.2207) 09-011 .doc

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Wednesday, October 17, 2012