Treatment helps people stop using the drugs they're addicted to. Treatment can include talk therapy, medicine, or both. It helps them learn to fight the urges to use drugs again, and it helps them regain control in their lives.

People start taking drugs for different reasons. Sometimes it's because they're upset about personal problems and don't know how to cope. But drugs can make these problems worse. Treatment can help people work on the problems in their lives, such as family trouble, money trouble, or problems at work.

Drug use can mess up every part of a person's life. So treatment needs to work with all areas of your life—your relationships, your work, the way you have fun, and how you deal with problems.

  • Treatment can help people who are just starting to get addicted.
  • You don't have to be at "rock bottom" for treatment to work.

When someone quits taking drugs and starts learning how to live life without drugs, we say they are "in recovery."