Medicaid Innovation Accelerator Program (IAP)

In 2014, CMS launched the Medicaid Innovation Accelerator Program (IAP) with the goal of improving health and health care for Medicaid beneficiaries by supporting states’ ongoing efforts related to payment and delivery system reforms. 

Through these improvements, we can reduce costs for the Medicaid program and, by extension, the health system more generally. The IAP will enhance CMS’s wide ranging efforts to improve care by supporting system-wide payment and delivery system reform innovation. We are using the IAP to work closely with states, consumers, and health providers on these critical issues through technical assistance, tools development and cross-state and national learning opportunities.

Through the IAP, we are building on lessons and recommendations we have heard from our state partners for specific opportunities to advance innovation, and we will develop strategically targeted resources and technical assistance that states can leverage to accelerate Medicaid-focused innovations to transform health care.

While complementing other federal-state delivery system reform efforts such as the State Innovation Models (SIM) initiative, IAP will provide additional federal tools and resources to support states in advancing Medicaid-specific delivery system reform and by sharing lessons and best practices. These are exciting times of forward movement for the Medicaid program as access to coverage is broadened, making the investment in delivery system and payment reform even more critical. 

IAP Commentary

See highlights from ongoing discussions about IAP on the CMS Commentary page.

Functional Areas

Stay abreast of targeted technical support opportunities offered by CMS in IAP's four functional areas: Data Analytics, Quality Measurement, Performance Improvement, and Payment Modeling and Financial Simulations. Visit the Functional Areas page. 

Reducing Substance Use Disorders

The need to improve how health care is delivered, measured, and experienced is strikingly evident in the substance use arena. Through the IAP, CMS will provide technical assistance and other types of technical support to states interested in accelerating the development and testing of Substance Use Disorder (SUD) service delivery innovations. More information is available in this section.

Beneficiaries with Complex Needs

This Medicaid IAP opportunity is targeted to states that have existing BCN activities and are in need of focused program support. IAP will work with selected states in areas related to enhanced data analytics; payment reforms to support BCN programs; and replication/spread of existing BCN programs demonstrating promising results. More information is available in this section.

Community Integration - Long-Term Services and Supports

Through IAP, CMS offers targeted program support to Medicaid agencies to promote community integration for Medicaid beneficiaries using community-based long-term services and supports (LTSS.) Specifically, the targeted support relates to (1) Housing-Related Services and Partnerships and (2) Incentivizing Quality Outcomes in community-based LTSS. More information is available in this section.

Physical and Mental Health Integration

Through this program priority area, IAP will provide states with technical support to improve or expand diverse integration approaches, including data analytics, payment and delivery system reforms, and quality measurement. More information is available in this section.

Related Tools and Guidance

Over the past several years, CMS has provided a wide range of policy and operational guidance to states that has established a strong foundation for the key functions of the IAP. More information is available in this section.

Input from Partners

CMS is committed to informing and evolving this initiative with many opportunities for input from all of our partners. Ongoing consultation and collaboration with states as well as consumer groups, health plans, and health care providers and the academic community will be built into the IAP, and if you have a question or want to provide feedback to CMS about IAP, send an email to: Additional information about the goals and structure of the IAP is also available in the Frequently Asked Questions.