Health Outcomes Survey (HOS)

The Medicare Health Outcomes Survey (HOS) limited data sets (LDS) are comprised of the entire national sample for a given 2-year cohort (including both respondents and non-respondents), and contain all of the HOS survey items. The HOS LDS files include Medicare health plan identifiers, as well as several additional variables describing plan characteristics. They also contain protected beneficiary-level health information such as date of birth; however, specific direct person identifiers (i.e. name and health insurance claim number) are not included in the LDS files.

The HOS LDS File Specifications document (see download below) details the characteristics of the Merged Baseline and Follow-Up LDS for each available cohort of data. The documentation describes the field name/description, field type, field length, additional information (including valid values), and indication of field inclusion or exclusion for each cohort file.

All requests for HOS LDS files must be developed and reviewed with the assistance of the Research Data Assistance Center (ResDAC), who may be contacted at or at  (also see the link in the Related Links Inside CMS below).  See the link in the Related Links Outside CMS below for direction on how to request HOS LDS files through ResDAC.

Once your data request has been reviewed by ResDAC, the final request can be sent to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) as directed by ResDAC.

General information about the Medicare HOS Program is available from the HOS web section (see the link in Related Links Inside CMS below).