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Publication Federal Justice Statistics, 2010 - Statistical Tables

Mark A. Motivans, Ph.D., Bureau of Justice Statistics

December 30, 2013    NCJ 239914

Describes criminal case processing in the federal justice system, including arrest and booking through sentencing and corrections. These statistical tables present the number of suspects arrested and booked by the U.S. Marshals Service, suspects in matters investigated and prosecuted by U.S. attorneys, defendants adjudicated and sentenced in U.S. district court, and characteristics of federal prisoners and offenders under federal supervision. The Bureau of Justice Statistics' Federal Justice Statistics Program (FJSP) collects information on suspects and defendants, annual workload, activities, and outcomes of federal criminal cases. The FJSP integrates data from the U.S. Marshals Service (USMS), Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Executive Office for U.S. Attorneys (EOUSA), Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts (AOUSC), U.S. Sentencing Commission (USSC), and the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP).


Part of the Federal Justice Statistics Series

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Federal Justice Statistics Program (FJSP)

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