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Stories of Hope and Recovery

People share personal stories of hope and recovery from mental health problems. Interested in watching more videos or connecting to others who are talking about mental health? Visit the Connect page for more information.

We must, as a society, learn to recognize the signs and reach out to those we know are in trouble.
- John Saunders
It's time to promote appropriate and accessible services for all those in need.
- Cher
Help us bring this issue out of the shadows of our society because it affects one in four Americans.
- Senator Gordon Smith
I want you to know that you can overcome and get through anything.
- Demi Lovato
I challenge every American family to no longer whisper about mental illness behind closed doors.
- Glenn Close
Get help, and rediscover hope.
- Jessica Gimeno
If you see in yourself or your loved ones, early signs of mental illness, get treatment right away. Treatment helps.
- Elyn Saks
It is important to get a hold of this illness and get it treated.
- Kay Jamison
It's so important to have support … someone who can embrace you, to give you confidence, to help you feel wanted.
- Yashi
Any part of recovery is just being persistent and just understanding when you know you need to talk to somebody.
- Daryl
I think it's very important to talk about it.
- Anisha