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Web Privacy Policy

Information that is collected when you visit this site

We do not collect any personally identifiable information about people who visit our site unless it is voluntarily provided. Please see "Information provided voluntarily" below.

For the protection of users of our Web site, we have safeguards in place to identify and prevent unauthorized attempts to access or cause harm to information and systems.

Our Web server automatically collects default information logged by most servers; this information includes the Internet protocol (IP) address of the computer that accesses the Web site , the type of browser and operating system used, the date and time of the visit, the pages and files requested, and the last site visited (if that site contained a link to a BEA Web page). This information is used to determine the level of traffic through the server and the level of interest in the individual files available on the server. None of this information identifies users personally, and BEA does not give, sell, or transfer any of this information to a third party.

The logs may be preserved indefinitely, and they may be used to prevent security breaches and to ensure the integrity of the data on our servers.

BEA uses “persistent cookies” on our Web site to gather information on Web site usage. BEA uses the Google Analytics service for trending our users’ activities online. This service does not collect any personally identifiable information, though it may use IP addresses to track what sites and search queries refer visitors to www.bea.gov. Traffic statistics are reported to us anonymously and in the aggregate, and no information provided by Webtrends is traceable to any specific individual.

BEA uses features on our site to enable sharing of content. BEA uses the AddThis sharing component to enable sharing to multiple social media platforms. AddThis collects non-personally identifiable information from many of the web sites that it is enabled. AddThis uses this information to deliver targeted advertising and personalized content on other web sites you may visit. If you prefer that AddThis not collect non-personally identifiable information, you may opt out by clicking visiting their “opt-out” web page.

BEA also uses “session cookies” for some interactive features on our site (for example, the balance of payments interactive feature and the ongoing ACSI surveys) that identify the visitor for the duration of a browsing session. Session cookies are deleted from our Web servers when your session ends. The survey uses a session cookie to track how many pages a particular visitor has clicked on. This ensures that a visitor has sufficiently browsed the site in order to adequately answer the survey and to prevent an individual from getting a survey multiple times in a single session.

Purchasers of BEA Products

Any information that we collect for the purpose of purchasing products will be handled in accordance with the requirements of the Privacy Act and the Freedom of Information Act.  The BEA collects customer information (name, address, phone number, and email address) to process orders for data products.  Any information that would permit identification of individual customers is used only for this purpose and not shared with other agencies or organizations, or with other areas in the Bureau.

If users choose not to enter an e-mail address, they cannot complete a Regional Input-Output Multipliers (RIMS II) order online. However, they can call our RIMS II staff at (301) 278-9313 and place an order without providing an e-mail address.  

The BEA does not capture credit card numbers on our servers; credit card, debit card, and check transactions are processed through to the U.S. Government's PAY.GOV system.

Session cookies and BEA's Web satisfaction survey

BEA is currently conducting a survey to measure customer satisfaction with this Web site. This survey uses a session cookie to track how many pages a particular visitor has clicked on. This ensures that a visitor has sufficiently browsed the site in order to adequately answer the survey and to prevent an individual from getting a survey multiple times in a single session. Session cookies are automatically deleted at the end of a session.

If you are concerned about the potential use of the information gathered from your computer by cookies, you can set your browser to prompt you before it accepts a cookie. You can remove or block the use of web measurement and customization technologies by changing the setting of your browser to block cookies as described at http://www.usa.gov/optout_instructions.shtml.

Information you provide voluntarily

If users provide information about themselves in an e-mail or through a feedback page, the information is used only to help BEA prepare a response. In that process, the information may be viewed by various people within the Bureau. The information is protected in accordance with law (e.g., the Privacy Act and the Freedom of Information Act). Submitting voluntary information constitutes consent to the use of the information for the stated purpose.

The BEA e-mail system is password-protected. Similarly, access to information submitted through the feedback mechanism (typing information in the feedback box and clicking on "Submit") is password-protected. Only authorized users have access to the BEA e-mail system and feedback mechanism.

Your rights

You have rights under the Privacy Act and the Freedom of Information Act. The Legal Information Institute at Cornell Law School provides the full text of these provisions from the U.S. Code:

Questions concerning our privacy policy may be addressed to webmaster@bea.gov. If you believe this site has not adhered to these principles, please notify us by e-mail at webmaster@bea.gov.