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An official website of the United States Government.

Publications & Forms

Browse this site to locate the following types of retirement publications and forms from OPM.

Benefits Administration Letters (BALs)

The U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) has Governmentwide responsibility and oversight for Federal benefits administration. These pages contain the Benefits Administration Letters (BALs) used for program administration. The BALs provide guidance to agencies on various aspects of Federal benefits administration. You can also find the older Financial Management Letters and Payroll Office Letters that OPM issued before combining them with the BALs beginning in 2001.

CSRS/FERS Handbook

These pages contain the CSRS and FERS Handbook for Personnel and Payroll Offices used to advise Federal agencies about various aspects of benefits administration. This is the April 1998 version of this handbook

Online Pamphlets

Retirement and Insurance pamphlets and publications are listed here.

Online Forms

This links to the main OPM electronic forms page.

Benefits Officers

This page lists the OPM retirement publications that are of particular interest to Federal Benefits Officers.

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