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An official website of the United States Government.
  • National Background Investigations Bureau seal

    National Background Investigations Bureau

    Please visit the National Background Investigations Bureau's new website.

  • Hiring Excellence - Connecting with Top Talent

    Hiring Excellence CampaignConnecting with Top Talent

    The Hiring Excellence Campaign focuses on equipping hiring managers and human resources staff with information, tools, and support to strengthen their ability to attract and hire a world class workforce to serve the American people. Learn More

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Presidential Transition Guide

This Presidential Transition Guide outlines for Federal human resources managers key elements that potential political appointees need to know about being Federal government employees.

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Memos to Agencies

Stay current on memos disseminated to Federal agencies.

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Impact of the Metro SafeTrack Project on DC Area Federal Employees

OPM recommends agencies review their policies and procedures on the use of workplace flexibilities during the SafeTrack project to help mitigate commuting disruptions. Read OPM’s guidance to agencies regarding the impact of the Metro SafeTrack Project on Washington, DC, area Federal employees, and the use of alternative work schedules during the Metro SafeTrack Project.

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