Arctic Currents: A Year in the Life of the Bowhead Whale

This joint effort between the University of Alaska Museum of the North, BOEM and others presents the epic journey of bowhead whales as they make their annual migration across the Bering, Chukchi and Beaufort Seas. Through the film, BOEM and its partners hope to improve public understanding of the iconic bowhead whales and their role in the Pacific Arctic marine ecosystem, and inform public policy on managing offshore energy resources. The film explores whale taxonomy, physiology, diet, behaviors and their widespread movement through Subarctic and Arctic waters. Other topics include the study of the whales through ongoing tagging and aerial observation programs, and the extensive body of traditional knowledge gathered and sustained by the indigenous whaling peoples.

This video is also available in the languages of IñupiaqThis link will direct you to a non-government website that may have different privacy policies from those of the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management. and St. Lawrence Island YupikThis link will direct you to a non-government website that may have different privacy policies from those of the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management..