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NLS: That All May Read

Reference Publications

A series of bibliographies pertaining to topics of interest to students, professionals, and others doing research on disabilities.
Current Literature
Current Literature is a quarterly publication that lists the new books and reference materials that are added during each quarterly period to the extensive NLS Reference Collection.  Current Literature is organized using Subject Headings developed by the NLS Reference Section based on Library of Congress subject headings, yet modified to be more specific and fine-tuned to reflect the NLS specialized collection.
The NLS Reference Section maintains two directories, Magazines in Special Media and Sources of Custom-Produced Books Audio Recordings, Braille, and Large Print, updated on a biennial basis.
Reference Guides
Reference Guides, formerly called Factsheets and Circulars, are compilations of current information on many topics of interest to NLS readers, those who provide services to them, and other interested parties. These Reference documents are revised frequently to reflect the most recent information on a topic.

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Posted on 2016-09-19